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Video Games
Lanah Tyra's avatar

Final Fantasy XIII as it still misses a proper port to modern consoles, the PS3 version can't be played on PS4 or PS5 and the PC version is not the best. Given how smooth FFVII Rebirth is on PC, I think with a remaster they could make a much better version of this game.

I would also like to see the old PS2 games of the .hack// franchise remastered. We got a PC/PS4 version of .hack//GU but not the previous games.

Kane Carnifex's avatar

Likehow they do it now?
None :P

Tthe level of quality just doesn´t match my personal level... :)

But the new games also lack of...

but hey this is 20 Years of Gaming... my bar is fucking high.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Perfect Dark - That game was a genre all on it's own and really could have gone somewhere if Rare had actually stuck with it.

Horror and Cats's avatar

Dino Crisis of course! Remaster, Remake, even just a Re-Release. DO SOMETHING WITH DINO CRISIS, CAPCOM


Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic.

Yes, there were rumors they were working on it. There were also rumors they cancelled it.

Boomer's avatar

The only answer I ever have for this question...Black & White but make it VR! 🙏

ENDERS's avatar

I had a friend that was really In love with this game. I never had a decent enough PC around that time to play but he made it sound fun and cool for sure.

ENDERS's avatar

So I've played the Diablo 2 remaster and really love it, loved the "one key press shows you the old game" toggle too, I know a few remakes/remasters have done that same thing. I've also given the dreaded GTA Definative edtions a good chance after buying them on realease day.
I've not played too many other modern remakes but have been wanting to try the one you have pictured here, the Tomb Raider seires remakes, as they aren't getting too many bad reviews.

To be blunt when it comes to this subject I find that independent developers do a much better job at re-hasing their nostalgic favorites. A few examples of this would be the Lego Rock Raiders: Manic Miners (a recreation of a the original Lego Rock Raiders), and a new titled called Heroes of Valor, made to be a spiritual successor to the defunct Battlfield Heroes.
Apparently this notion of Indie studios doing it better is what Rockstar Games thought too, when they employed the young company "Grove Street Games" to do their "Defininative" versions. These remasters in particular have caused some issues with fans along the way.

Either way indie or AAA, there is a massive wealth of titles created by humans in the past 40 years that could easily do with a modern remake. There are certainly tons of games from my past that I enjoyed that I would love to see revived and remade.

To add to this discussions fire I'd like to share this Wikipedia article talking about and listing games that fit into this;


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