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Video Games
Paul's avatar

Floaty McSlug face!

Stella's avatar

A floating sluggard

EveOnlineTutorials's avatar

I have decided on a Latin name:

Lutulentus Iimosus Salivarius

Which means:

Sludgy Muddy Mucous

Sturmer's avatar

Aerophantus Molluska

"Aero" - referring to its flying ability "Phantus" - derived from 'elephant', indicating its trunk-like nose "Molluska" - alluding to its slug-like nature.

Horror and Cats's avatar

“Slugbo? Sausagecopter? The eleflitter floataphant? Nigel?”

How very dare you use the best options as examples.

greybill's avatar

It's clearly a Floater.

Horror and Cats's avatar

Indeed--quite the buoyant sky-poo

Jaques Ufaltred's avatar

Quasquaphu [kos-ke-foo]

Derived from the Quechua translation of "hungry cloud" [yarqasqa phuyu], as if the words had been shortened over generations from the more literal nomenclature. Quechua was chosen as the base language based on the seemingly indigenous cultural inspiration for the game, and the fact that most people probably don't know the Quechua language, which would make it a bit weird. (like if you are an English speaker playing a game in a different language and the dog-like creature is literally called "ugly dog" that might be a bit weird, see? )


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