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Just go & have fun, don't be afraid to interact with people, everyone is always super friendly & if it gets a bit much you can always find a quiet corner to have a few moments,


Bring hand sanitiser - if you plan on playing, you'll be sharing a lot of controllers/m+kb touches with lots of other people.

Comfy shoes - you will be standing and walking a lot, be sure you prepare to take care of your feet.

Layers - you're in London, it can be rainy and windy one moment, and then bright sunshine the next. Prepare well for the weather, whilst keeping in mind bag searches add on time.

Games - check which games you want to check out as a priority and get to them first - and then use the downtime to check out new curiosities.

Boomer's avatar

Comfy shoes - you will be standing and walking a lot, be sure you prepare to take care of your feet.

Advice for life! Never underestimate the value of a good pair of shoes 😄

Makster's avatar

I will parrot a lot of the same tips as others:

  • Please be nice to others, not only guests but also the WASD staff. Sometimes there are last changes, guests unable to attend, or very long queues. Everyone makes mistakes and everyone is in the same boat, so raising your voice, insults, and irrational demands will only create a hostile environment. Please try to be understanding and patient

  • Probably goes without saying but personal hygiene is important. Please do bathe or shower, deodorant, and groom. I'd say this is the bare minimum but a packed convention hall coupled with a commute (and high temperatures) can all manifest in a olfactory overload.

  • Please take a break if things get too much. I know it is exciting but if you're with someone - please look after each other and take a break from wondering the floor for something to eat and drink.

Lastly, I know there are a lot of introverts in this culture and it is hard to engage with others if you're going alone. So my tips in this case:

  1. Try find groups/ forums/ subreddits where people may be going and tagging along. Maybe make a discord so you can all find each other

  2. Wear a T-Shirt of a series/ band you're a fan of. This will help someone else or even you break the ice with:

  3. Make the first move with a compliment or acknowledgement of what someone is wearing! Queues are long (especially if you're by yourself) so strike up a conversation with someone in the queue with you. I often lead with 'I like your shirt. Are you a fan of ____' or 'is this your first convention?'. I've made some fast friends this way that I end up sticking with all weekend if I fly solo.

  4. (the secret tip is: people attend conventions because of the same interest). Unlike real life where your co-workers or classmates may have other hobbies or interests, conventions are likely to be attended by people who like the things that is exhibiting so there is a high chance of a mutual interest between yourself and a guest!

Boomer's avatar

Wear a T-Shirt of a series/ band you're a fan of. This will help someone else or even you break the ice with

This works so well! It's an amazing moment seeing someone's eyes light up when they realise you're a part of their subculture 😊

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

So my tips for attending any convention are simple. Don't over-hype it, know what you're going into.

Be open-minded, make sure you are respectful of girls in cosplay, and make sure you're respectful of those around you, it's basic human common sense a lot of it is.

A lot of walking

A lot of standing up

Make sure you have hand sanitizer

Boomer's avatar

Dignity, autonomy, and respect...and that's just for starters!

Makster's avatar

Oh man hand sanitiser is a MUST! People may still be a little on edge regarding infections so please don't be offended if they refuse a handshake

Sturmer's avatar

Here's a universal tip that applies to any event like WASD:

Always remember that cosplay does not equal consent!

If you appreciate someone's costume and want a photo or video, be polite and ask for permission first. This small act of courtesy is often well-received, as it gives the cosplayer a chance to strike the perfect pose for their character, enhancing the drama and quality of your photo.

Makster's avatar

Cosplayers also love it when you ask for pictures. I think it's an awesome feeling when you're rockin' something you've been slaving away on for the past 3 months and for people to want to take pictures of it or with you - definitely feels like a rock star moment

MargotCandy's avatar

I have not been to WASD per se but have attended many conferences, so adding to the great suggestions posted already my top tips would be:

If going with others:

  1. Agree a meeting point and time, in case the signal or wifi is not very good at the venue

If going alone:

  1. Say hi to other attendees and people at booths. You are at a conference about a certain topic, so you have that in common already. You never know, you may make connections or new friends.

Boomer's avatar

Say hi to other attendees and people at booths.

Love it! Many of my oldest friends are ones I met through events.

Martin's avatar

Most important…

Install the Steam app onto your phone! Wishlisting the game with the developer stood next to you will make there day.

Other things…

  1. This is an Indi event – don’t expect any AAA.

  2. There is never enough seating (even though there is more each event). You will be on your feet most of the day.

  3. There won’t be much choice for food in the venue but there are 100s of quality food shops, markets, carts, restaurants within a few minutes’ walk.

  4. Queueing is outside (unless they have changed the entrance again). Knowing England’s weather, you might get very wet if you turn up early.

  5. Be nice to each other 😊

Boomer's avatar

Wishlisting the game with the developer stood next to you

When you're on your feet and talking all day, these small acts of kindness can go a long way 🙂

Dave's avatar

My top tip and one you need to follow if you don't want to come back with WASD lurgy, is to take a small bottle of hand sanitiser and use it after playing any game where you get your hands on those grubby controllers and keyboards, touched by thousands of people over the show days.

I learned my lesson a long time ago with this one. Without fail I would come back from EGX with some illness that lasted weeks. After following this tip, it didn't happen as much (not never but a lot less).

Martin's avatar

This is something we do at every event. Especially before you eat food! My Wife always has a bottle in her bag.

Boomer's avatar

Con flu does not mess around! 😷


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