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Books & Comics

Books & Comics
TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

I take what ever small amounts of time I can get in between doing things and taking a quick break to sit down and read, I also take a book to read whilst I am on my break at work as I'm usually not doing anything else and it means I don't have to sit and talk to anyone else, I can be anti social and read my book.

Makster's avatar

Quite simply routine and discipline. Usually if something is relaxing or pleasurable then it shouldn't seem like a chore to do i.e. if you have time to spend on your phone then you have time to read as well.

In my case I try to build up a streak - read a page a day for one week, and then read two pages a day. Eventually it becomes a routine. Lately I've been reading before bed, as long as my butt is under the covers by 10:00pm I give myself unlimited reading time. It also helps by keeping all other distractions out of the room: Switch, Phone etc.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

For me, I try to read for an hour before bed, every night, which is predictable I suppose but, reading sharpens the mind and I like to just have my wife snuggled into me whilst I read a few chapters and then head to sleep, I read quickly so I do quite well this way.


No not anymore.

Unfortunately i have the view of splitting my time into my hobbies which is music , judo, working out, music production. There simply isnt the time. and with early starts at work i have to be asleep.

it may be something i pick up when i have more free time or hobby set changes.

I do kind of view playing through a game like bg3 like reading a book becuase so much effort has gone into all the voice acting and the story that is being told so i guess that counts.

Limal's avatar

This is quite easy for me - I read it to my kids in the evenings :)

And it's not just Peppa the Pig, now we can dive into adventures like Jules Verne books

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Not as much as I would like. When I read, I often forget myself and will just sit there for hours, because I got to a too interesting part to put the book down, so rushing it on a workday when I need to catch the train, or on busy public transport it doesn't give as much pleasure. So my reading time is on the weekends, when I can get comfortable on the sofa and read as long as I want, sometimes even go for a coffee refill and carry on reading.

One thing I can read on public transport though is fanfiction, as I read these on my phone and it's a lot easier to just shove it in my pocket if the train gets too crowded. I'm on a FFXIV fanfiction Discord, so there's always a lot to choose from. And this is also my time to write, though I don't have them published on any website, mostly just write for myself as coping with things which have happened to me and I never had a chance really to talk about them properly. Maybe one day I'll write some which can be shared with the world.


Nowhere near as much as I would like to unfortunately! With children and my love of movies/TV and most importantly gaming, I found books tend to get pushed to the side.

I do however find the best time is the evening. I'm up latest in the house so a nice quiet living room is the best chance I get to get lost for an hour or so in a book. My preference is usually thrillers or series like Alex Cross and Jack Reacher.

I hope as the kids grow up a little, I'll be able to spend more time reading in the garden in the sunshine while they play nicely together. Maybe I'm being a bit over ambitious with that last bit...

Philip's avatar

For me, reading is a pleasure. So I just do it in my free time quite naturally. Having a Kindle Unlimited subscription and the app on my phone makes it really easy.

If it's something I'm obliged to read for work or study that can be a different story. Textbooks were always my bane in university as it seemed like the authors of those texts would be repetitious and use a lot of words to say very little. That stuff can be soul-sucking and take the joy out of reading for me. So I would pace myself and set myself a target like one chapter a night, for example. I might also reward myself with reading something I enjoy when I'd done my duty.


No matter what I have planned for the day, week, month, or year, I always find time to read. When I’m at home, I try to get at least 30 minutes of reading in. If I’m stepping out of the house, whether it’s for a quick errand or a long journey, I will often bring a book to kill time. It doesn’t matter if it’s a physical copy, a digital copy from my phone or iPad, or even an audiobook.

Scrbzy's avatar

I have an hour commute each way, every day which gives me plenty of time to read. I sometimes will read on my lunch break and I also try to assign 30 minutes before bed.

There's no super secret tips that I can give, you just have to MAKE time. 10 minutes before bed is probably something you could manage, you just have to be strict with yourself.

Put down the phone and read before sleeping! It's much better for you and your sleep!

Foolish_Imp's avatar

I make time to read almost every day or every few days. Usually, I make time by reading while I drink my morning coffee or tea. I also take reading breaks where I just read a few pages of whatever I'm reading in between working or doing other things. Lastly, my most unhealthy habit, I will occasionally sacrifice sleep to read; sometimes the book is just too good to put down or I know I'll have a window to take a nap during the day so losing a few hours of sleep doesn't bother me. I recommend reading while you eat breakfast or before your morning routine, it's a good way to start the day and a good book will leave you looking forward to the next time you can read it.

AirGaram's avatar

I read books to relieve my boredom, a while back i just play video games to do it, but reading books was much more refreshing. So whenever I have free time or any time for that matter, i try find a comfortable position and i just open a book whether it's a new one or one that i have read before and just read it. And since most of the books that i read are e-books it's much easier for me. Usually and it's pretty often that i get too absorbed in reading it that i forgo eating and sleeping since when i finished reading one book i just immediately go to the next one.

Paul's avatar

I have done this in a way.

I already juggle two hobbys, warhammer and video games. These already take up alot of free time so trying to squeeze in reading would be more of a headache then a way to relax.

Instead I listen to audiobooks, often when Im doing my other hobbys or daily chores. Alot of people may feel this isnt the same however since doing this I have listened to far more books then I was previously reading so I see it as a win.

I still have graphic novels to read when I feel like it though.

okayameji's avatar

I read books every day out of necessity, I'm a student so it's a natural thing to do. Reading has become my hobby, I really like reading books, especially novels, I really like reading them. I once couldn't sleep, and do you know what I did to pass the time? Yep! that's right, reading.🤩 I read books or journals to get sleepy, because my friends said it's effective to make sleep, but what happened to me? I can't even sleep. One more page, ah it seems like one more page, and so on until suddenly it's morning😭

The trick to reading more? I don't know, I just feel like it's a necessity, especially for a student. If you want to read a lot, make it a necessity. Like eating, you need food to live, so make reading a necessity to live too!!! Books are the windows to the world, so reading is the key.

Sturmer's avatar

Absolutely! Books are the most powerful weapon against insomnia. I keep several on my Kindle that, 99% of the time, make me sleepy within a couple of pages. Nearly every day ends with my Kindle in hand.

P.S. I also have books that do the exact opposite. I often find myself at 3 AM thinking, "Just five more pages, and then I'll stop!"

Toretto 70's avatar

Maybe this sound boring but reading a book will not make you regret it, for example something is writen may not necessarily be on the internet. So occasionally take the time to read, even if for a little while

Gaypengwing 🔜 Ren Faire Uk's avatar

My boyfriend and I theme the bedroom to what we are reading and then read to each other in bed, taking a chapter each time

Makster's avatar

I probably find myself reading more socials or reddit/ forum posts than I do actual books which is incredibly sad. Then again if I said I watch a lot of anime subbed, I probably do end up reading a whole lot

Rich's avatar

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