London Film and Comic Con (July 5-7) will be full of comic book cosplay and celebrities like Matthew Needham, who plays the devious Lord Larys in House of the Dragon. It's put us in a decidedly dastardly mood, so we're setting you the challenge of designing your very own comic-style villain!
You can choose to make a dark and gritty villain with compelling motivations or embrace the silliness of Batman's Penny Plunderer or Condiment King. You can enter with text, video, or pictures, but entries with a visual component will be favoured in the judging process. Whichever medium you choose, we recommend including such details as your villain's:
Origin story
Personality and motivations
Catchphrase (if any)
Defining traits and features
Powers and their origins (if any)
Costume and aesthetics
We'll be dishing out ten $5 prizes to each of our favourites, as well as one $30 prize to the best of the best!
A note on AI images: We don't have a strict no-AI policy, but we will strongly favour entries with images created without it. If you do use AI-generated images, you must disclose this in your entry. Due to ongoing concerns with generative AI, we will not share any AI images in curated content made from the entries to this bounty.
already paid
$80 / 80
This reward closed to entries at 4:53pm on July 19, 2024 but you can still reply, react, and join the conversation below! If you’d like to enter other rewards which are still open, click here.
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