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Books & Comics

Books & Comics

I don't keep a journal for my reading hobby but I have to keep one for work due to the nature of the job.

I have to read studies and collate new evidence that may influence my job so track all of my reading on excel to demonstrate my ongoing professional development.

The reading itself is interesting but the journal keeping and tracking of evidence and the references associated with the it's just such a chore. I think the aggro associated with this has tainted the idea of me ever doing it for my reading hobbies unfortunately 😂

TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

I never even thought of this before but now I am seriously considering it, it's not so bad if you are able to read a book series back to back but when there's some times years between book releases even I forget parts of the previous book so keep a reading journal might help solve part of this problem and allow to have a quick refresh when a new book is released rather than having to read the previous book again first.

Limal's avatar

No, I can't motivate myself to do it. There are so many books, I doubt I will read any for a second time. As for suggestions of good books to someone, I do not have any notes for this, but a good ones i remember.

Sturmer's avatar

I do, but not in the way you might expect. It's not about a book, it's about ideas 've picked up in it.

I use Kindle's notes function to highlight interesting phrases, words, or ideas that I want to remember or think more about later. I add notes explaining why I marked each fragment or what I plan to do with that note. Essentially, it serves as a reading log too, since each note has metadata about when it was taken and which book is it.


I don’t have a reading journal, but I feel like having one would be a good idea. Not only can I record what books I have enjoyed reading, which are fantasy, sci-fi, detective stories, mythology, graphic novels, and manga. I can also keep track of what books have helped me with my research, which focuses on music, sound design, video games, anime, and animation.

Shovel's avatar

I wouldn't use the name "journal" but it's deffo a tracker.

As I use Amazon Kindle Unlimited, it requires me to return books once I've "borrowed" so many, because I go through soo many books it's hard to keep track of what I've read as when you are browsing for a new read, it doesn't-state if it is something you've borrowed and read before.

I keep a table on my notes app of the books, if I read it, if I liked it, and then a few words about the plot eg. Catherine Maura - Brokern Vows - Romance, Winsdor series, romance, 5/10

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

So I don't keep a "journal" as such but I do have a Word Document on my computer which I call "Keep Or Don't"

Essentially what I do is I don't have a Kindle, I go into Waterstones and I talk to the staff about Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Comics etc and they make recommendations, so I buy book one, or comic one etc and I read it. then if I like the book, I put it down on my list as

"Buy the next book, a great story"


"Donate to the charity shop"

This way, I don't forget books and then buy them again :)

Makster's avatar

I don't keep a journal but I do have a Japanese Blog. It's an exercise set by my Japanese tutor to keep a diary for a week and I just continued.

I rolled it into a photo blog to try and encourage me to take more pictures with my digital camera and experiment with different f-stops, focus lengths etc. and also to encourage me to learn more Japanese words.

Rich's avatar

Thanks to MadamClutter for this suggestion on our inaugural suggest-a-bounty bounty!


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