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Books & Comics

My favorite comic book character of all time would have to be none other than Superman. I was about a teenager spiraling down a deep and dark path into self mutilation and fighting demons without knowing how to ask for help. After losing two of my best friends to suicide and slowly on a road to a place of desperation myself. I was at an antique shop browsing around when I stumbled upon this legend that would be a stepping stone in saving my life. It gave me hope, the symbol in which he stood for. Standing up for the right thing, saving his Lois Lane, and taking part in having friends at the Daily Planet. Through the comics and movies that came to life. I’ll forever cherish the bond I made than to a character that took place in helping me.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

For me, it's Hawkeye.

Amongst all the Avengers, Hawkeye is the one I feel really struggled to find himself in the beginning, if the situation were real, I cannot imagine how hard it must of been, being a trained assassin in the midst of superheroes.

In the early comics we obviously have his adventures with Black Widow and the shenanigans they go through together, and of course, being in the films as part of Shield and maintaining his loyalties to Shield regardless of Hydra etc, shows a real, sense of a strong character with strong morals.

When we have Hawkeye in The Avengers, we see the evolution of the character across the span of the films, such as Thor the first one when Hawkeye plays a cameo within the film with his quote which I love "Or are you sending in more guys for him to beat up" etc.

Then of course we see his first major role on the big screen in The Avengers, his most iconic scene is the one shown above when he is on the rooftop calling out targets to his fellow Avengers, but then has to jump off the building to avoid getting wrecked.

Of course, his darker side comes out after the "snap" when we see him going after mobsters in Japan or China, wasn't sure as I can't quite remember, but I think he shows the real assassin side of Hawkeye etc.

Of course, we also get to his huge capacity for emotion in the films which is also in the comics where he fights Black Widow for the self-sacrifice for the stone. This I think was important for his overall character development.

But he is one of my favourite comic book/film characters in the Marvel universe.

TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

One of my favourite characters would have to be Doctor Strange he was added to the Marvel universe in a comic series called Strange Tales to be a different kind of character with themes of mysticism this opened up whole new areas for the creators to explore in the realms of using magic and the mystic arts. I just love the evolution of that character how he changed from being arrogant before he had his accident to afterwards and learning to overcome his difficulties also has a deeper meaning of trying to show people that you can over come things. Also the mystic arts is such a cool aspect of the marvel universe that I like plus I think he has such a cool costume with the cloak and everything.

In the MCU Benedict Cumberbatch has done a fantastic job of portraying Doctor Strange.He has become a pivotal character in the sense of be used to introduce new things into the MCU much like he bought new things to the comics. the first Doctor Strange film introduced more into different dimensions whilst the second film introduced more abut the multiverse and I believe Doctor strange will still pay a big part in the MCU going forward.


The first comic I actively remember buying was Conan(The Dark Horse version). I had been introduced to the character when I was maybe 9 years old by one of my uncles. I was a veracious reader and he had gifted me a copy of Conan the Conqueror. It was a rabbit hole for me that I happily fell into.

After reading through a number of the books I was introduced to the movies. Conan had such a HUGH affect on me and is pretty much the bar I use to grade all fantasy. It MIGHT also be why I love playing a barbarian in a lot of the video games I enjoy.

He has an honor about him and a loyalty that tickled my brain. He has a way of collecting certain sort of person. The comics told so many complete stories. There was fantasy creatures - but not so fantastical that you couldn't believe they might actually exist.

Of course there have been dozens of artists for Conan - I think Yeates and Buscema were 2 of my favorites. NOT to say Boris Vallejo wasn't amazing. If memory serves I don't think he actually did a comic, more like posters and paintings.

I don't currently have a preference to Dark Horse or Marvel - but I haven't gotten a comic in a long time. Last time I picked one up I wasn't to thrilled with the art work or the story. They seemed very bland and flat to me.

Sturmer's avatar

Major Motoko Kusanagi (Ghost in the Shell)

I will avoid any spoilers to preserve the joy of discovery for anyone intrigued by my pitch.

Major Kusanagi is the core character in Masamune Shirow's manga "Ghost in the Shell", which has inspired several animations and even a live-action film in 2016.

Motoko is not just a pretty-looking cyborg running around with a gun! She is a detective, smart and powerful manipulator, and an overall interesting person (quite unusual for a 'robot'). The later series, like "Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence" and "Stand Alone Complex," uncovers her quite rich past, bounding you even further.

Motoko constantly raises and seeks an answer to the question - "What does it mean to be human?". Her actions and motivations are often fueled by this curiosity.

She is my favorite graphics novel character and I believe this cyberpunk work has greatly impacted my current perception of robots and AI, helping me adapt to a changing world.


It’s hard to choose who my favourite comic book character of all time is. As I have a lot of options. But if I had to choose, it would have to be The Flash. Both Barry Allen and Wally West’s incarnations. Mainly because I love heroes whose main power is superspeed, and how their stories have influenced me.

Both Barry and Wally have troubled pasts, however, they never let it defy them. They always find ways to push forward and cling to hope. No matter what their enemies or the universe throw at them, which is something that I admire as I always try to find something positive when I am having a bad day week, month, or year. This is especially seen in Joshua Willamson’s Flash Run, The Flash TV series, or the Justice League and Justice League Unlimited Cartoon.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I wasn't really into comic books growing up, because we mostly had Spiderman, Superman and Batman which were no interest to me. So my love for comics started with movies, when I started watching Marvel MCU. Even though I love most of the characters, the one which actually got me look for the comics as well was Loki.

I love Norse mythology, and surprisingly I found the characters in the comics building on the same roots as their original versions. Loki is not a villain, he's a trickster like his Norse original, and I never get tired of his constant rollercoaster of pushing mischief a step too far, getting punished, having to redeem himself just to then start the cycle over again. He has so much to tell, and you can always build on his character without being boring or repetitive. Probably from all the Asgardians he is the most human, the one in whom we can recognise bits of ourselves.

He has multiple forms, Lady Loki and Kid Loki as well, who you could even count as different characters. He is the one to show us the imperfections of Asgard and the faults of the other gods. One of my favourites with him is actually with his young form, Loki: The Journey into Mystery by Kieron Gillen, where he gets one last chance to redeem himself, and even though no one believes he can change, in the end he does and becomes the hero who saves everyone.

Makster's avatar

My taste in comics and heroes have changed over the years. I grew up with the web-head watching this show but later in my teenage more rebellious years I loved Deadpool. As I entered my young adulthood and the boom of the MCU: RDJ's Iron Man charmed the hell out of me with his confidence and amazing tech.

Now as an older adult, I gotta say it's still the friendly neighbourhood Spiderman. He has evolved a lot since swinging around Queens solo, battling villains of the week and trying to attend classes+ date Mary Jane or Gwen Stacey but I think that's why I can really relate to the trials of Peter Parker.

Spider-Man has always been the working man's superhero. He does have amazing powers but none of them really help him with his personal affairs, financials (although he does get paid for selfies that he sells to JJ), or academics and yet his responsibility to the city trumps all of these. He can never be happy due to this greater call to action - and I think we can all relate to this.

We all make difficult choices where the harder choice is a better investment down the line but the easier choice gives immediate positive feedback and I love that Spider-Man explores these themes as a central concept

Paul's avatar

For me it has to be Deadpool.

Im one of those that was a fan before the films came out.

There are lots to say about Deadpool such as his spider-man like quips with an adult tone, funny 4th wall breaking moments, the inventive yet ridiculous way he saves (or screws up) the day. However what I really love about the character is how relatable he is as a person.

He is always looked down on by heros and villains alike but always pulls through and puts them to shame.

For example, dispite being ridiculed by the Xmen hes saved them multiple times and even saved the avengers during the huge Axis event.

There are so many things that make Wade an actual hero and he does so dispite his floors and the constant criticism. Thats why hes the best!

Gaypengwing 🔜 Ren Faire Uk's avatar

I think if I had to choose, it would be Zatanna or Poison Ivy. Zatanna is my favourite comic book character that I cosplay because she’s so badass, her backstory is very well fleshed out and I really enjoy her arc with Constantine. But for overall character, Poison Ivy (who I would love to cosplay one day). She’s not fully good or bad but she has a very strong motivation for why she does everything (the environment/Mother Nature) and her character designs are some of the most detailed and beautifully drawn out there. I would love a live action to do her proper justice one day 🙌


This is quite basic but the Merc with the mouth captain Dead pool! nah just Dead pool

this is because he is funny and turns serious situations into a joke or a good time despite what hes been through he still makes every moment enjoyable and his super powers are badass if he got over cancer he would litrally be unstoppable even though he cant die at the moment i believe hat he wouldnt even be abe to get hurt if he didnt.

xXThumperXx's avatar would have to be Harley Quinn! HUGE fan, absolutely love her. Parts of her remind me of me. I'm a little crazy and special 🤪 I just love Harley's story and origin. I get annoyed when people who are "fans" just think of her and the joker ect there is so much more to her. I love how she treasures friends and kicks ass at the same time.

I have her tattooed on my arm and my husband has deadpool on his but they are part of one tattoo i have one part of a saying and he has the other half. Yes we know they are DC & Marvel but we dont care, they would make one hell of a team 😘

Paul's avatar

Your crazy matches my crazy

Nine's avatar

my favourite comic all time is ...


because the first time i know about super hero is spiderman and second is Batman, spiderman really make my memorible because im grow up with spiderman.
i has been reading a lot comic about spiderman, and watch all movie about spiderman. May be any version of Spiderman, the Spiderman hero character is the best for me.

The reason I like it is because of the character background, superpowers, uniqueness, and also the story of the series.

for now on im just waiting Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse, im really exicited to waiting that's movie out in Q4.

Georgina_Herdman's avatar

My fav iron comic book character is Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff) I fell in love with the character when I saw the first Avengers movie many years ago. I admired how she could turn weaknesses into strength, although she had a dark past i always admire a character with a redemption arch. I fell in love with Black Widow and made a hobby out of collecting all comics featuring Black Widow, my favourite series being Black Widow: Deadly Origin and Black Widow: S.H.I.E.L.D’s most Wanted.

Nicole's avatar

That one “you could at least recognise me” moment with the Winter soldier in Civil War calls to my comics-Natasha loving heart!

Fras_Shoyo's avatar

I like the superman.

Why I like superman is because the character developer was arrogant from the beginning because he was invincible and it turned out that he was weakened because there was no sun and kryptonite, his first appearance was invincible, even though that made him arrogant and his defeat by his weakness, namely kryptonite, made him realize and join and fight with other DC members.

Shovel's avatar

When it comes to my all-time favourite comic book character, I have to give the spotlight to rogue from X-Men. Rogue Story is probably one of the most fascinated and richest arts emotionally within the marvel universe.

First of all when it comes to powers, they’re very unique and they come also with a bit of a burden for her. She can absorb the abilities, memories, and life thought of anyone she touches but that comes with a downside of never been able to physically connect with other people and I think it makes one of the most relatable and tragic characters because I feel like at some point everyone gets the point of their lives where they feel isolated or they feel different so it really hits the home.

Her background is also really interesting because she starts out initially as a villain being manipulated by mystique but eventually she finds a way and joins the X-Men and it really does give her like a sense of redemption and belonging.

A lot of her character is to do about her resilience and strength despite the challenges that she’s faced with her powers and the emotional toll that they take she always remains to be a face and loyal member of the X-Men, she’s someone who has to battle her in a Demon daily but she also manages to find a way to be a hero and that kind of strength is something that I admire.

And also on another note it would be her icon lock so the white streak in her hair it’s inspired me to go through phases where I’ll bleach strands my hair, it’s super iconic and I really liked that. They carried this over when it came to the animation and it came to the actual films.

And also another one of my sort of favourite things about this character is her relationship with gambit because he is also another character that I really like and seeing their complicated and passionate romantic. I think it’s one of the best and common book histories because it’s filled with ups and downs, but we are always rooting for them to make it through together.


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