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Books & Comics
Lanah Tyra's avatar

I would have to think about Hungarian words and suddenly I can't give an example, but I have something similar.

I only studied English in school for one year, so my vocabulary was very basic before moving to the UK. I slowly started to learn more sophisticated words like 'deprived' 'diagonally' just to give a few examples I can think of quickly, and often I'm still reluctant to use them, especially when I'm talking to someone who's native language in not English, because I'm unsure if they would understand the word.

Depending on which part of the country you live at and what is the general education level of the people you meet, there are words I know but I think if I would use them, people would just think me some posh snob from London, because their day-to-day conversations don't need fancy words 😂

My partner especially likes to use such words since he's been a book editor and his vocabulary is even wider than mine, and I often have to tell him to speak more simply with people ingame because I don't think they understood him.

Sturmer's avatar

Heteroscedasticity, this is something you do not need then you are 8yo lol

Philip's avatar

Learning that your Weenus is the skin on your elbow.

Oh and the planet Uranus.

SIRCAM's avatar

In my native language spanish was the word "Lúgubre" which translated means "Lugubrious", that simple word took my attention as a kid, and the meaning, the meaning let's say it was interesting 😅


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