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Books & Comics

Books & Comics
MQC's avatar

Fiction Book Collection

This is a small part of the collection of Science Fiction books that I currently have in my bookshop: the total number of books is 327, and 95% of them belonged to my father's collection, a Science Fiction lover who passed on his passion to me.

The ‘T’ in About is really made up of books from the collections of Arthur Conan Doyle and Harry Stephen Keeler... it's not "science" fiction, but they are stunning titles.

Rich's avatar

Love it! And love the backstory about your father and his collection; sharing passion is what we're all just about 😉

Vivisector's avatar

Hey Rich you liked my Doom avatar. What do you think of my doom books collection signed by one of the father of Doom? John Romero wrote from my request "hey Roberto (my real name) you're never too young to die" a reference to difficults menu in game where the easiest say "I'm too young to die". Hope this is enough creative :D


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