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Boomer's avatar

Funnily enough I subscribed to a few newsletters via Substack this morning, and the additional ones they recommended were great!

In one of my previous roles they used Mailchimp, but Beehiiv isn't one I'm familiar with. I'd love to hear how you get on with it.

Dave's avatar

I feel like the best move is to go with substack, pick up a decent audience with their discovery tools, then export all the addresses and migrate to beehiiv for the chance to monetise the free users without having to solely rely on premium subs.

There are probably GDPR issues to deal with during the migration (getting additional permission to change data processor etc) which would make it difficult though, plus I get the feeling most people just read on the substack site directly or in their app rather than actually read in their email.

But yeah I'm going to give this beehiiv a go on the free tier, if it's a big failure (highly likely!) I will give substack a go.

Boomer's avatar

GDPR was going to be my next question! 😄Sounds like you've got a good plan, and I bet other members here would find this useful.

Sturmer's avatar

As my mailgun i selected Sendgrid, both via API fornautomated mails and ad-hoc manual mails.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

didn't even know this was a thing lol

Dave's avatar

I don't really subscribe to any myself at the moment but there are some interesting ones on substack now ive been looking into it all a bit more. This long interview got me thinking about it all. (link at the bottom so the text doesn't get messed up behind the link preview).

It's a long read so in summary the guy basically left theVerge and somehow got an amazing deal where when he went independent he was allowed to take the 23k mailing list theVerge had to his column with him when he left. I've never heard of a company letting someone take all the customers with them before when they leave so that was a prety epic deal he got there! Substack then in effect subsidised him through various benefits that he describes, so a nice safety net to a degree against some of the risks of going indi.

During his time on substack he has grown to over 175k subs, by the sound of it through the organic discovery that substack offers. Now hes moved it to run on ghost. Ghost is a CMS similar to wordpress so it's basically running your own website and newsletter and no longer drawing on the substack platform audience. The interview gets a bit confusing at that point as they talk about ghost as though it's a platform when really its just a technical/business decision of self hosting or running the ghost cms on managed hosting.

It's in this interview that I saw this beehiiv platform mentioned for the first time for newsletters. Substack seems the best platform though to build an audience, beehiiv feels more like its for established creators looking to move somewhere else (like the guy in the interview).


very interesting stuff! All I’d really heard if it looked into was mail chimp! So please let me know how you get on! I’d like to start something like this in 2024 so any advice would be great! Also can you please share your site so I can have a nosey! I built a very basic site like a year or 2 ago but then it got lost in the shuffle and I haven’t returned to it

Dave's avatar

I've actually taken it offline again for now just this morning for a rethink and unlinked the domain after discovering the world of newsletters. I picked a certain niche I thought wasn't too competitive, wrote a couple of articles targeting long tail keywords with low quality sites ranking high. However, it bored me to tears writing these horrible seo optimised articles and I hated the end result of the padded out answer to a simple question to over 1000 words of nothing.

Plus how much future is there in it when all these questions/searches will be answered with ai at the top of the results soon without needing to click through? Most of my time I spent getting the cookie banner working properly to block scripts and tracking, getting the privacy/cookie policy working properly etc. There aren't any of these legal/gdpr issues to deal with if you just write on substack and no costs either unless you actually start to make anything off it at which point you would be happy to pay it, a 10% cut is a very good and fair ratio in my mind. There are no arbitrary targets to reach like there is on youtube of having to get 1k subscribers and thousands/millions of views, if you have an audience of 10 and 1 person pays thats fine.

Thats why I started looking into the content on substack and their in effect newsletter mini sites. The stuff you can read on substack is writtten for humans like things used to be because they don't need to be written to make google happy. It almost feels like the WWW of old on there before it went bad. Your content will get seen and pick up subs naturally through their recommendation and discovery engine rather than writing to noone on your own site.

I saw someone describe it as the text version of youtube which I think describes it quite well (just without the pulling a face thumbnails!). I think I'm going to go with substack, write a few different subjects/letters and decide which one I like writing about, which ones I don't, what ones I can write something interesting on and can think up lots more etc. Just in the research stage of it again after the failed blog idea.


Cool! Thanks for sharing substack, i had no idea about it TBH!

What niche will you be writing about?

It looks cool like mini websites for creators, very impressive, i will need to check it out myself sometime!


Why not go with Medium?

Medium seems more like a "Youtube for bloggers" from my perspective - unlike Substack.

Medium should also aid with discoverability, and help you get more regular readers in the process.

Dave's avatar

Haven't really looked at it to be honest but I probably should. My experience with medium is from when I used to "do crypto" and every project/coin launch had a medium, never come across it for anything else to date.


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