When it comes to scripting your content, there's a lot of conflicting advice out there. Some say a script gives you structure and impact, others that it robs you of spontaneity and stiffens your delivery, besides being more work than just sitting in front of the mic. And then there's the question of what you're trying to make: it'd be a bit odd trying to script a livestream or ad lib a play (we said odd, not impossible, improv fans), but a podcast or a ten-minute YouTube video? That can go either way.
So give us your perspective and your advice as creators. What are the upsides and downsides of having a script? When is it wise to do so, when is it not, what kinds of content suit it best? And what do you, personally, prefer to do, and why?
Give us at least a few solid paragraphs of written or video advice. The six best contributions get $5 apiece!
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