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FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

I wish, we are about to move house so everything I am doing will be on hold for now :(

Kings Court's avatar

Good Luck with the house move !! Wish you all the best, good Idea on putting everything on hold !

Sturmer's avatar

Wrap-up Nightingale I guess

Kings Court's avatar

Complete the game or are you putting together content for it ?

Sturmer's avatar

Finished the game yea, now time to put it all together and share my experience

Kings Court's avatar

Nice !! Funnily enough I am working on something to do with Nightingale too !! Good luck with the project dude and I hope it goes really well !

Horror and Cats's avatar

Im working on a piece about why horror fans should stop saying “elevated horror.” Basically it’s a phrase invented by mainstream critics (who have always shunned horror) to describe horror movies they actually LIKE.

Wings's avatar

Ooh this is so true! I've definitely felt this 'turning point' in horror in recent years where the vibe is like "THAT actor is doing horror? But they are such a high brow/acclaimed actor?!" Horrors always been a brilliant, broad range of funny to harrowing, superficial to deep, messy to meaningful - like most genres - but mainstream critics seem to be using this moment as an opportunity to "like" it officially.

Horror and Cats's avatar

Yes fully true! I touch on how actors typically didn’t want to become known for horror whereas in the last few years, that attitude has changed, especially with gen z talent.

Nicole's avatar

Let us know when its ready for us to check out. I wonder if certain actors (or their agents) felt it was a more acceptable move thanks to the actors before them - for example, did Toni Collette getting such high praise make Lupita Nyong'o want to get into the genre - probably a bad example as I suspect it was working with Jordan Peele that made her want in.

Kings Court's avatar

Oh that sounds like some meta Pompus Crap !! yeh I completely understand !!


sounds like a good week ahead for you! Haha I feel you after having a long break from a game it takes me a while to Remeber all the controls again!

I’m working on a PlayStation portal video for my PlayStation YouTube channel and kind of stumped what to do on my Xbox channel, I’ve just bout a series x (had the S since launch) and kind of want to do something around why I bought one in 2024 as I think that could be an interesting take for people but who knows will see how I go!

Kings Court's avatar

Sounds good dude !! I am sure you will get some Ideas for the content over on Xbox side ! My problem is always having ideas and never the time / patience or memory to see them thru ! hahahaha.


Yeah I get that too! My prob is more I have a ton of ideas then I get anxious about not being able to make the video as good as I want! It’s weird though as often videos I just fire together end up doing way better than ones I spend ages on! lol like why!?

Kings Court's avatar

OH FOR REAL !!! lets not get me started on that !! spend an hour on a short, max 10 views, put something in stream ladder and throw it up , 5k views ! I literally want to give up some days ! hahahah I have gotten over the anxiety of making the videos as I take the time to enjoy the process and understand that with every new video I am learning and honing my craft ! Dont be anxious, if you look back in a year and cringe, remake it ! your skills would have improved and you can make the video 10 x better, our mistakes do not make us, but they do help us get better !


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