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Content Creators

Content Creators

awww congrats fam! Great news!! well done! So what does each of these mean for those of us aspiring creators who maybe don’t know?

Kings Court's avatar

So, With the content creator programme with Nightingale, I will get the inside access to the game and updates, there maybe things to giveaway from the developers and such. its more of a mutual exchange of, I play their game, they give me updates before others as well as some other bits on occasion.

The Partnership with AverMedia means that I will be getting free gear to use for my set up, I will test the gear, show it off and get the name out to people, in return I will get more stuff and I think I get a referral link which could earn me a small percentage.


thats fab fam! so cool! Keep crushing it! What kind of content is it you do?

Kings Court's avatar

I aim for Variety, I like to make the content more about me and the experience than the game, but I play a lot of Survival builders and also A LOT of Warframe !


awesome! Sounds good! Is this edited content or live streaming?

Kings Court's avatar

Live streaming and then trying my best to create edited content for the short form and long form for places like Tiktok and Youtube


Amazing! Sounds like a good plan! Keep up the good work as it’s clearly working well! 👍

Roo's avatar

Congrats Kings Court! Strong Jason Momoa vibes in that AverMedia avatar too 🧜

Kings Court's avatar

HAHAHAH thank you !! more than once I have been referred to as "PoundLand Jason Mamoa" !! hahahahahaha

Boomer's avatar

I'm glad it wasn't just me...I had to scroll back up to check! 😆

Sturmer's avatar

Congrats mate! I tried to reach their RP back in feb before a release, but they simply ignored, so i just bought the game and enjoed it myself =)

Kings Court's avatar

Yeh I put my piece in ages ago, didnt hear anything so bought the game any ways and have been loving it !

Sturmer's avatar

Oh, and AVerMedia's hardware is also great! I still have several items from past reviews that I actively use for various projects. I like it more than Razer or Elgato

Kings Court's avatar

Oh for real ??? This will be the first time I have seen or used any of their products, but will defo give a full and honest review of them !

Sturmer's avatar

yup, they are great, their software might me not the greatest, but hey its a hardware company, and their tech works great with OBS/Streamlabs

Kings Court's avatar

Awesome I am even more excited now to try it out !

Boomer's avatar

That's fantastic! 🤘😆🤘...and do I see FluXHound up there with you? Congratulations both! 🙏

Kings Court's avatar

Yessir !! Flux is up there with me !

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Massive congratulations mate, well earned I assume, keep up the good work!

Kings Court's avatar

well I hope so !!! hahahaha !! I can only try my best and keep putting out the content I am happy with !

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

it's the best way, people often ask "whats the point of this video" to which i reply "because I think people need to know" etc.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Well done! Getting into a creator program is such a cool achievement. Hard work really paid off for you then!

Kings Court's avatar

Here is hoping ! I try my best and do what I can !! thank you so much !!


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