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good question, happens to me too, only way I can change stuff on OBS when locked in a game is using my Elgato stream deck, be cool to hear if anyone else has other solutions! I think some play games in a windowed mode which may stop the mouse lock in?

Horror and Cats's avatar

I typically hit the Windows key, then move the mouse over and make my adjustments, then click back onto the game when I'm done. Some games let you just move the mouse over and do it without the extra steps/minimizing the game, but not all.

Your best bet would be some sort of stream controller like the Elgato Stream Deck. Or the mobile app. You're allowed 6 free buttons on the Stream Deck mobile app.

Sturmer's avatar

run the game in "borderless window" mode, it will look like a full screen, but actually won't lock the mouse or any controls within that application.

Another way to do it, use a separate streaming computer, but that requires some extra gear (capture device + another computer with a good internet connection), let me know if that works for you and i can go deeper into details for that setup.

Dave's avatar

Yesh like others I use borderless window, then press the windows key to get focus back to windows instead of locked into the game.

I used twitch studio rather than obs as it was incredibly easy to use and I was up and running in no time.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I have a dual PC setup, but when I was still using the same PC for games and streaming I run most games in borderless window. Set OBS to record the game window and not the screen, so even if I hit alt+tab to check something on discord, that wasn't shown in OBS. If you prefer playing full screen, in most games hitting the Windows key will let you move your mouse across.

Highly suggest investing in a stream deck or trying out the Elgato stream deck app if you have iphone, it really makes adjusting stuff a lot easier.


This borderless window option sounds a winner, do you select that in the game settings or something?

Sturmer's avatar

Yup, 98% of games have it in video settings

Konquest's avatar

Thanks everyone for all the advise. Yes, I'm running all the games on borderless window. I don't have to minimise the game but i need to pause or go into the inventory or map atleast somewhere the cursor shows up rather than in freeaim. Never tried the windows key though, I will have to give it a try. I will have to look into investing into an Elgato stream deck in the future once I can afford it. I basically streamed for the first time today :D Oh Boy! did it go soooo bad.. 1st try - 30 mins in a realised the screen was on standby and I was just talking all the way. 2nd try - 1 Hr 40 mins stream ended it and watched the replay, realised I didn't set my mic right and there was no audio. 3rd time was the charm, went as it was supposed in the first place :P GG

Sturmer's avatar

use family members or friends for a test run! =) Most streaming platforms allow 'private' / 'by-link' streams

Konquest's avatar

lol I actually already did that yesterday just to test everything. It was a-ok. But I usually turn everything off right before bed. I should have tested on private earlier in the morning. My bad. Important lesson learnt 😝

Lanah Tyra's avatar

That sounds like the authentic first stream experience :D Something will always go wrong.

Yup I got that in Nightingale, if I need to check something on my other screen I press Win key, the task bar will pop up and I can move my mouse freely then go back to the game.

Konquest's avatar

Whatever can go wrong will go wrong :D

TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

It is possible to go into the OBS settings and add hotkeys for some functions.

Konquest's avatar

yes I did that this morning but I stupidly put on a key I shouldn’t have. So when I switched to my stream screen I must hit it while playing and went to standby the first stream 🤣 I’ve since changed it more suitable keys

TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

Your not really a streamer until you have some sort of issue or tech problem lol


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