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Content Creators
TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

One thing you need to think about when you are choosing someone to collaborate with is what is your end goal, are you doing this to grow your own content or are you doing it just for fun. If you were trying to grow your own audience it would also have to make sense so collaborating with someone who has a similar content as you, this wouldn't matter as much if you are just doing it for fun.

When choosing someone to collaborate with the more the you are able to connect the better result you might get.

Personally for me I only collaborate with people just for fun, we just do it for a laugh and I am actually part of a small stream team that have similar goals so we sometimes make content and stream together. I also know plenty of streamers in several communities so when I collaborate with someone I usually know them quite well beforehand.


For me I will look at a few main things which are -

Chemistry, so I will usually have watched a fair bit of their content to see if I like them and if i think we would get on well during a stream / video

This also filters into the next point of making sure it would be someone it would be fun to collaborate with, otherwise whats the point, you wouldn't like it and it would shine through in the content.

Then time zones, I have a few creator friends that it would be cool to collaborate with on stream but they are in totally different time zones so it doesn't work.

I do not care about their audience size, only that it is in the same / similar niche and demographic eg gaming and audience who like whatever the game genre was.

These points are also important is you are effectively screening them as you do not want to stream with some random who you know nothing about and may be a nightmare on stream / detrimental to your brand etc

Zeref_Vermilion's avatar

When I want to invite someone to collaborate on content creation, here’s what I do:

  1. What kind of content do they create? I need to check if their content aligns with mine, because if the content doesn't relate, it will be hard to set the direction of the collaboration. I prefer to work with someone whose theme matches mine.

  2. Evaluate the content creator’s personality. This is to ensure that their personality meshes well with mine for a harmonious collaboration.

  3. Assess their reputation with their audience. This matters because it can significantly impact my own content’s audience.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

The truth is, I have only done this once and I nearly lost my YouTube channel over it. I teamed with another creator who then decided he wasn't going to work with us anymore and levelled a ton of copyright strikes against us. We very nearly lost our channel.

Since then I have been super wary of teaming up with anyone outside of my actual IRL friends team, but this being said, I am working with another Minecraft YouTuber at this point.

Why this guy? Essentially he is like me, struggling to break into the Minecraft scene, it's a hard place to go to, so we started talking and we came up with a workable idea, but, we hashed it out first, if they started making money, how would we split it, how would the videos be presented etc.

I think with collaboration, you have to find someone who wants what you want but not for their own gains but for a project gain, a mutual "we can do this, together, on a server, with both our work". It really is important.

So I would say, we as creators need to make sure of the above as a reason as to why we collaborate, so that a mutual goal is reached, not a project that only benefits one party.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Though I haven't collaborated with anyone yet, if I would then probably the first thing would be friendship. I need to know the person and be sure that our values align, that we are building the same type of community, so if we would then show up on a stream together, we would know that our communities would be a good match.

Then it would have to be about a topic which is important for both of us and would be something our communities are interested in supporting. Let that be a wok for charity or completing a game together, so neither of us would lose core viewers over it. Of course there are always the odd ones who don't like anything apart from your usual thing, but if the collaboration goes well, then it would possibly gain more followers on the long run.

Shovel's avatar

I'm someone who creates wrestling prints, for a while it was very difficult to grow my audience - something still super hard - the way I choose who to collab with is to see if there is that spark there. For me, it was another female artist who draws wrestling prints, she sympathised with some of the misogynistic comments i was receiving and reached out to me, we bonded over the male dominated fan base and then decided to work together to do a giveaway, I'm so happy that I was able to build a connection despite the challenges.

Makster's avatar

I think you could collaborate with anyone but the key is respect and chemistry. Without both of these things I think a collaboration can go South very quickly.

For my collaborators I would tend to find those that have similar interests as me and sending them a cold invite or request. I think if they are of similar mindset and work ethic then the next few messages should work out. But the difficult part is the chemistry. I think if there isn't a spark or ability to get into the groove of working with each other then forcing it isn't going to improve anything. This is where I tend not to collaborate with friends as although the chemistry can be there - sometimes they don't have the respect for the craft and I don't want a project to get between a friendship I had built up

Gaypengwing's avatar

I’m a creator who very much loves to collaborate with their friends; people who are just as enthusiastic as your similar interests and brands that you already are familiar with. It makes the collaboration feel much more natural and engaging at least in my opinion and takes away any nerves around the collab. These collaborations are going to be great memories to look back on one day and I would never want them to feel forced

Nine's avatar

When I want to invite someone to collaborate I always determine it with 3 questions:

1. what that person often plays during live streams

2. What time is the stream usually?

3. Whether the person is open to open collabs or not

1. I have to see first what kind of game the person usually plays/streams, so that later I can invite him to stream themes that he and I like. ( If possible, it should be the same as us so it won't be awkward )

2. What time do you usually stream? because not all streamers have flexible time

3. We have to check again whether the person is open to collaboration or not? whether he has a full schedule or not.

Toretto 70's avatar

I will choose from personality.

whatever the content, if we are not in sync with each other it will be useless and make a collaboration full of unexpected surprises.

For example, when you start the content add something you shouldn't do then in the middle you add an unintentional conflict then to end the conflict you apologize or continue the conflict until the next episode

Sturmer's avatar

I have different forms of collaboration, and each has its own rules and workflows

Event Coverage

Event coverage is pretty straightforward. I collaborate directly with event organizers to cover industry events, trade shows, or product launches. This usually includes conducting interviews and writing post-event reviews. I aim to attend all events within reach or seek sponsorship if the trip is expensive.

Product Sponsorships and Reviews

In this type of collaboration, I work with companies to review their products or services. Since I don't accept payment for these reviews, the collaboration is always on my terms. I choose products that I like, enjoy, or have expertise in. If the product is bad, I'm free to express my findings honestly with my audience. I also have experience collaborating with brand engineers (Razer, Avermedia), especially for unreleased products, sharing my insights and offering solutions to improve their products.


Occasionally, I engage in syndication with other media outlets. For example, if a member of their team is unable to attend a show, I might share my media coverage. There are several brands with which we have a mutually supportive relationship, even though we are technically rivals.


These are the following points I would consider if I collaborated with someone:

• Are they friendly?
• What type of content do they produce?
• Do we share similar interests?
• What ideas and or points of view do they have?
• Will they want to or will I want to collaborate in the future?

Lofty's avatar

For me it has to be a creator that has the similar personality, they have to click with me and my viewers. We can play games together, but if there is no chemistry with us or spark that makes people want to watch then its detimental.

I want collaborations with creators that want to have fun on stream and dont take life too seriously just for a couple of hours


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