Last month, we asked you for your favourite travel-focused content creators and you nominated plenty of excellent folks. This time, we're looking for more suggestions, but this time around food and cooking. Anyone who publishes content specifically around food is fair game here: cooking, baking, tasting, you name it.
Any online platform is viable, but if you're unsure whether your nominee is eligible, a good criteria to apply is whether they create their content for their platform, rather than it just also being on there but made for a different channel or format and is simply discoverable on the internet. To maximise your chances of winning a $2 prize, don't only tell us who you're nominating and why you like them so much, but link to your favourite piece of content by them.
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$20 / 20
This reward closed to entries at 3:09pm on July 4, 2024 but you can still reply, react, and join the conversation below! If you’d like to enter other rewards which are still open, click here.
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