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Content Creators

Content Creators
TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

I guess it depends on what you define as a content creator.

Boomer's avatar

I suppose that's what I'm curious about. This isn't to throw shade on anyone calling themselves a content creator, rather I wonder if the term has a new meaning.

What defines a content creator for you?

Shovel's avatar

I feel like the word “content” Could get dropped and it be just “creators”. It covers a wider Range of people in my opinion!

Cherebi's avatar

I like this but if you are a creator of a certain style or series of games, having indie game creator or Pokémon creator sounds like you are a creator of the games rather than someone who makes content.

Shovel's avatar

See I would consider myself a “creator” and I draw wrestling prints and create content in support of my prints. But yea I see what you mean there actually. Maybe the term needs to change altogether? What that is I don’t know haha

Makster's avatar

I don't think it is an outdated phrase.

Content Creator is synonymous with producing content specifically for the internet. I think creator is too vague as to what you make whilst content creator is a nice catch all term. You can go more specific with YTer, Instagrammer, TikToker, OF creator etc. but I think with all those terms - you're often doing a lot more than just that platform.

Rixx Javix's avatar

People love to label things. But, if you think about it for a moment, creating content is essentially a human condition - even pre-internet. We pop out into the world and start creating content almost immediately. Some of us create positive content and some create other types. Every once in awhile some of that content can effect the entire world. No one really thought of themselves as content creators back then, except maybe someone like Andy Warhol, or a few others here and there. Personally I don't care for labels. They are so often used as shorthand for laziness. In the end we all might be content creators - but we're not all equally good at it.

Boomer's avatar

I really like that perspective! I'm a huge believer that social interaction is a fundamentally creative act. With smartphones reducing barriers to entry I wonder how much young people just see that social interaction as content waiting to be captured.


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