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Makster's avatar

I use Google Sheets since I'm primarily Apple based but it is also helpful to check whilst at work.

I also have a notebook for account details

Horror and Cats's avatar

Honestly Excel is massively powerful. I have made some truly inspired Excel financial workbooks over the years if I may say so myself lol.

greybill's avatar

Sooo... have you tried Eve Online yet? 😏

Horror and Cats's avatar

Lmao well I made those workbooks for my job. I don’t think I have the mental capacity to add a game like Eve to my life haha

greybill's avatar

Fair enough. But if you ever change your mind, you know where to find us. ;)

Horror and Cats's avatar

I do think it's funny that "Excel Nerd" means "would like Eve Online" though haha. That should be some kind of advert

greybill's avatar

Well. It was a meme for quite a while.
But since mid 2023 there is an official MS Excel plugin for Eve Online. :)

Horror and Cats's avatar

Oh wow lmao that’s fantastic

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Being self employed I have an actual accountant, I did try doing it myself but actually nearly got in trouble a few times that could have landed me with fines, so I kinda bit the bullet and hired an accountant.

Dave's avatar

Thanks for the suggestions everyone.if you are interested I found one called Zoho books that is completely free if your revenue is under £35k but still comes with nearly all features. They also do completely free email hosting for your own domain for 1 address at some low usage limits as well.

Perfect for start ups.


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