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Content Creators
FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

This is great news mate. I wish you the very best with it.

Dave's avatar

Thanks very much, appreciate it. Yourself and MURRRAAAAYare the two biggest inspirations on here for me, I really admire the efforts you both go to in the amount and variety of content you put out. It must all take a huge effort. Others of course play a part too.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Most it’s called WFH and being bored out of my mind. But yeh it does take a bit. For me I like to plan big and take my time getting there.

I recorded 31 videos yesterday with team members at my house and that took most of the day.


Awww dude! Glad to hear it! Just keep getting the reps in as k say on the early phase like when working out, get your muscle stronger for creating your type of content and stay consistent and see how it goes and move forward from there!

I appreciate the kinda words ❤️👍 also I will be interested to hear your views on beehive as it’s a service / platform in not familiar with!

Lanah Tyra's avatar

This is amazing, so nice to hear when people get on track and things are slowly progressing!

It's been also great for me to have discussion with people here and with my mentor in the LimitBreak program. I have an idea now what I want to do, have plans for my channel rebranding and prepare a lot of things in advance, so will be returning to regular streams later than planned, but I want to start at the right time when I have everything ready and not having to rush things.

Horror and Cats's avatar

Hey that’s awesome! I would say you can share it here, though. Content belongs on Content Creators 😁

If you’re not ready to though that’s fine, just saying I don’t think you have to hesitate to primate when you are

Edit: accidentally writing "primate" instead of "promote" is too funny to delete.

Never hesitate to primate

Konquest's avatar

Glag to hear it made man! I'm sure it was not an easy journey, and an even longer one ahead. I wish you the best. Good Hunting!

Makster's avatar

amazing work - glad you've done the research to find a platform that works for you

Have you dropped a link on JA?

Sturmer's avatar

congrats! Yea, mails are still a thing. My wife is working as mail marketing specialist.


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