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Content Creators
Sturmer's avatar

I'm about to set one up, but will peek for additional advice

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I'm working on one too, still figuring out what tiers and perks would work for me, but will share it once I got a plan.

Rixx Javix's avatar

I just launched mine yesterday with one tier for now, testing the waters mostly. I'm going to slow launch it over the next few months and see what happens.

Dave's avatar

What are the advantages of using patreon over say running the ghost cms paid membership site on some hosting & owning your audience rather than being at the mercy of a platforms algos & policies? It looks like they charge quite a lot in commission. Do they have organic discoverability on there or something so you can be found by Patreon users? I assume it must be good as so many people use it.

I run my membership site on a lifetime hosting deal from magicpages which gets me unlimited bandwidth hosting & 10k email sends a month , but they start as low as £4 a month before VAT. (The lifetime packages are being withdrawn from sale at the end of the year Jannis has strongly suggested but will be honoured).


Rushlock's avatar

I use both. Ko-fi offers 0% fees for handing tips, which is fantastic, and they have (free) features that you can use to incentivize interaction, like Leaderboards, messages left, goal tracker, etc. If your users adopt platform use regularly, you can consider going for their paid services which include basically replacing Patreon as an alt subscription platform like Patreon.

Patreon has been on the scene longer, so has better brand recognition, which has value to potential users. I only use about 5% in fees, but I hear they charge more now for newer creators, I cannot confirm. They are better imo for hosting content or showcasing content to audiences than Ko-fi.

As for advice, I suggest using both. Kofi is your tip jar. Gamify interactions as able. Patreon is your alt sub platform, gives users choice in supporting you in the way they choose, based on their confidence in another recognizable brand.

If looking for any more specific advice, just ask :)

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I was trying to go with just one to make it easier on myself setting things up and updating content, also since my income is still small the 0% fee on Ko-fi seemed like a better option right now. But you have a point with offering alternative options to people and let them choose.


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