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Hunter's avatar

Yeah I turned That Off immediately, I don't want my hard work training AI for free, They have to pay me :D .

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Turning it off. While I don't look at AI as the big evil, since it can be useful as well, but I definitely think that it should be only trained with material which the owner has consented to. And as long as I can't see what it's going to get trained on, then no thank you, I don't want to contribute to that.

To give you an example, I wouldn't want AI to replicate my voice or use my ingame footage to then be able to generate fake ingame footage. But if it was about to use my terrible Hunglish accented voice to train something like Alexa to understand something not said in an RP English accent, and contributing to make that technology available for not native English people to use, or to make it available in other languages entirely, I would agree to that.

Horror and Cats's avatar

“Hunglish” made me crack up lol.

That’s a cool take. Like a “user data to improve experiences” thing, but for more effective accent interpretation

Dave's avatar

Unless they are paying you to do it, then doesn’t make sense to leave it on.

Sturmer's avatar

Read more:
Your content & third-party training - YouTube Help

Thankfully, by default it's OFF.

Honestly, I do not see a reason someone would tick that ON. Google is not a Wikipedia or webarchives, its a business.


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