What might be called a character class in any other RPG is called a vocation in the world of Dragon's Dogma. Like a class, your vocation governs the abilities available to you in combat, and is a major factor in your game experience. You want to pick the right one, so let's get talking about it!
There are ten vocations currently confirmed in Dragon's Dogma 2. Four are basic and balanced - fighter, archer, thief, and mage - while six are more advanced. Advanced vocations may embrace certain aspects of the basic ones at the cost of de-emphasising others, or may do something altogether unique. They are: warrior, sorcerer, magick archer, mystic spearhand, trickster, and warfarer (not wayfarer).
Which are you picking for your first playthrough, and why? Tell us in written or video form. The ten best entries get $3!
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