Earlier, we launched a bounty soliciting advice for players loading up Elite Dangerous for the very first time. The submissions to this bounty are intended to be useful for a different audience: lapsed players looking to return to the game. With that in mind, we want you to tell us what's changed over the course of the last few years.
We'll aim to produce a 'catch-up' resource giving a quick overview of Elite Dangerous in 2024. In your entries, consider narrative elements like the Thargoid War as well as game systems and changes to the meta.
We're looking for 50-word minimum answers. If you're submitting via video, be sure to connect your video account first.
already paid
$18 / 45
This reward closed to entries at 1:29pm on August 28, 2024 but you can still reply, react, and join the conversation below! If you’d like to enter other rewards which are still open, click here.
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