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Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous
mastercesspit's avatar

elite anaconda kill + his dangerous mate, hazres, just getting bv's as usual, when i spotted this elite anaconda in a wing of 2, had been out a while and shields were low, but there's 5000 hull after they go down, so go for it.

have fun 07

Rich's avatar

An Elite Anaconda - big prize. Congrats on first place!

mastercesspit's avatar


I've often wondered about the wording of this bounty, is it a kill you've made IN elite dangerous? or an ELITE rank kill?

it would be nice to see some new players having a crack at it, it's a bit daunting for a new player to tackle an elite,

I've got some much more entertaining vids of kills of deadly and dangerous, even competent rank you'll strike one every now and again that'll give you some excellent pews

elites aren't the most exciting often times.

have fun 07

CMDR Henckes's avatar

So this was another Thargoid kill, this time all by myself, no conflict zone, just me after I got interdicted by a Cyclops. Still very hard for me to do a cold orbit but I didn't find all that bad, just almost in the end when I got almost killed because the energy surge got me.

But I managed to kill him at the minute 07:45 and get out of there with 13% of hull!

USCSS's avatar

Hello commanders

Today I'm going to show another PvP encounter that I can't win, and it also escapes me. The same thing always happens to me. I don't know if it counts for the reward but it's what I have, hehe. It's also difficult for me to be interdict by just one because they mostly come in pairs and that's a sure defeat for me. When I manage to defeat one without it escaping, I'll obviously publish it.

This happened again today in the "Sol" system. My opponent had a Python MK2 and was "Elite" rank

I had my Federal Corvette, "Dangerous" rank

I was stupid, at the beginning I forgot to put the pins on weapons and I ran out of lasers, hehe. Then I realized.

I'll leave you the video. I cut it to show only the fight. At the end I show the system map to corroborate the date.

(Translated with Google translator)


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