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Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous

coaching a friend for AX combat, came across a Cyclops while expecting a Basilisk

9 Shard cannons shooting at you at once must hurt!

Kethervir's avatar

For this week i dedicated to the JustAbout Community a Triple Kill in less than 1 minute! Always with my Anaconda, always whith cargo opened and limpets working for looting while killing Pirates in the daily Bounty Hunting duty for the Imperial faction, making safe the territory of Zemina Torval.

USCSS's avatar

Hello Commander

This time I'm facing 3 wanted ships in the Benoit system, in a "Dangerous Extraction Site"

The first fight I do with an opponent who has a Master-ranked Anaconda.

The second fight I do with an opponent who has a Master-ranked Krait Phantom.

And the third fight I do with an opponent who has a Competent-ranked Krait Phantom.

The 3 ships came together.

I use a Dangerous-ranked Federal Corvette.

At the end of the video I show the system map to corroborate the date.

These fights helped me increase my merits with the PowerPlay

(Translated with Google translator)


can i just submit one every week? how much variety do you guys want?

(i'm the guy who submitted AX kills for two weeks in a row)

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hey uzilei, as long as it's a new video every week, then keep them coming :)

mastercesspit's avatar

missed it by 3 minutes, lol, bloody sad internet.

have fun 07

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Aha no! Feel free to submit the clip next week instead

mastercesspit's avatar

all good, got another half dozen clips today, just which one?, i won't leave it till the last minute this week, had a few family crisis' last week, the joys of parenthood, lol, seems even when they leave home, you're indispensable,

have fun 07


Nice job. I definitely couldn't kill a thargoid in my little adder. uzilei is UC in elite too?


I play ED now, it's my favorite game ever. Seriously, is UC in elite? Also, you won't let me negotiate with you about joining UC..... uzilei


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