Elite Dangerous: Hollywood takeover. Lovers of movies and machinima, rejoice! We've got one heck of a reward lined up for you. We're challenging you to create a brand-new Elite Dangerous movie. You can choose whether you use in-game footage (machinima style) or you opt for an alternative, like live action or CGI.
For your efforts, you could win up to $500. Your film must be at least 12 minutes long, and contain great characters, pacing, and plot! You choose the genre, be it romance, adventure, horror, or anything else. We've got large runner-up prizes too, so even if you've never tried a technique like machinima before, you might want to give it a go. Think you're up for the challenge?
Our thanks go to Hunter and Jimmy0916 / Cmdr Donald Duck for sharing this reward idea with us!
Image credit: Frontier Developments and LCU No Fool Like One, as seen in our collection of Elite Dangerous nebulae screenshots.
Generative AI is strictly forbidden in this reward.
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