Welcome to our fifth Trailblazers reward. You'll find the others here, here, here, and here. We're looking forward to your entries to this one the most; here's what you need to know:
To highlight the variety of reasons someone might want to colonise a new system in Elite Dangerous, we want you to record a role-played adventure, documenting a commander's attempt to expand the Bubble. Whether that commander is attempting to create a bustling new trade hub, a new port of operations, an expedition launch point, or has reasons all of their own, we want to experience what it's like to live on the frontier of humanity's expansion.
It's up to you how far you take the roleplay and the style in which you do it, but we love the idea suggested here by TrialByStory: a from-the-cockpit vlog. We're looking for at least six-minute-long videos that are fun and engaging to watch. Unlike our Elite Dangerous short movie reward, don't feel obliged to make this a complete story with beginning, middle, and end, you can probably tell a better tale by just giving a dramatic 'flash fiction' style snapshot that leaves your viewers wanting more. In other words: cliffhangers welcome.
Image credit: Frontier Developments and Roin as seen in our Elite Dangerous nebulae screenshots gallery.
25 available
Pot total
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