This week's Kill of the Week competition was tightly contested. CMDR Henckes and lionriver narrowly missed out on prizes. LiquidMorkite secured a runner-up prize with a kaleidoscopic HazRES bounty hunt filled with purple lasers and Christmas lights. Osiliran won one too by giving the passengers on their Orca an unexpected show. We recommend you watch all their kill videos and follow their channels here. But our top prize goes to USCSS for a high-octane killfest featuring the destruction of multiple high-ranked ships:
Hello Commanders.
Once again, today I embarked on a level 8 [threat 6] mission that was supposed to be a team mission, but I'm going solo. At the location I found the target ship (a Fer-de-Lance rank 'Dangerous'). But the target ship was not alone. The target ship had three other companions (two Vultures ranked Dangerous and one Vulture ranked Master). I managed to eliminate all four, but not before they took away all my shield and left my hull at 28%.
2:00 to 5:30 Fer-de-Lance rank Dangerous (target ship)
5:30 to 7:55 Vulture rank: Dangerous
7:55 to 9:15 Vulture rank: Master
9:15 to 10:20 Vulture rank: Dangerous. At minute 10:10 the last ship tried to escape, but I wouldn't let it.
Think you can claim the top prize this week? Enter below:
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