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EVE Online

EVE Online
I-401's avatar

I made a Video on my Journey of helping some people.

kait39's avatar

My Japanese EVE Blog.

I had 120 articles on EVE and contributed articles on strategy information for beginners, translated articles, and guidelines for corp management. I am mainly an investor in the game.

MacGybo's avatar

Rather than helping one pilot, I'm aiming to help hundreds! This video is informing those new to Faction Warfare not only how to start, but how to get one of almost 400 ships that I'm giving away. They just had to be new to Faction Warfare and message me in-game for the ship. The video also tells them how to train for the ship and provides a skill plan and ship fit for them to import.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

It's hard to argue with a 384-ship giveaway. I think you might be onto something here. Thanks a lot for the description-credit too. If you upload any more video submissions here (I hope you do), we'd love it if you could expand the video so we can watch it on-site.

Loru's avatar

Mac deserves a bounty for sure here 👏

Loru's avatar

I get comments like this all the time on YT.

Instead of just answering, I help out the newbies with a little extra ISK 😄

EVEIL's avatar

I was minding my own business in nullsec when a player entered system in a pod. Obviously he had just been the victim of some kind of mishap, and pods travel notoriously slowly. To my surprise he appeared in my overview, landing next to my Mobile Small Warp Disruptor.

Wishing to save him the arduous trek back to his home station, I helped him on his way by assisting him in a consciousness transfer. Seconds later he was back home, ready to continue enjoying the game we all love.

Lionear's avatar

With EVE Workbench we are not using one capsuleer but thousands. As people can share their fits, leave comments and like or dislike them.

But next to this main feature we also have an option to create fleets, do market item lookups, trade route stuff and appraisal information.

EVE Workbench consists of multiple websites where the main is of course EVE Workbench self, the other websites are EVE Wreckbench (killboard) and the Abyss Tracker

Melicien Tetro's avatar

Loaned a corpmate 500m towards his Observatory Leshak, only to learn he was making 17 jumps to rendezvous with the fleet. In pochven. Spent a lot of time worried, but he made it safely and got running with us. :D

Melicien Tetro's avatar

He made it through fine, ran a few observatory flashpoints with us, and got his new Leshak safely docked in the Triangle. :D


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