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EVE Online

EVE Online
Wadd Enderas's avatar

POS - Player Owned Structure, not to be confused with Citadels. POSs have been in the game a very long time and were the original way that players could anchor a home and claim their part of space. They are still used throughout New Eden, primarily as a staging platform for invasion fleets or as a fallback beacon/safe haven for defending fleets.

POCO - Player Owned Customs Office, all planets across New Eden (there are probably exceptions) have customs offices in orbit which allow you to transfer your PI materials from the planet's surface into space. Originally these were all NPC but it is possible for players to take these down, replace them with their own and then control the taxes on materials going on and off planet.

Kane Carnifex's avatar

Salt / Saltmine:

Capsuleers which enrage in local about the loss of a ship due the fact of PVP. Common source for Salt is Ganking or simple the lost of your ship. Another good Source is hunting value Targets which are grinding for ISK. Salt comes mainly from people which lost the border between the game and reallife.

Melicien Tetro's avatar

Dorito (noun): An Informal term for the Sobornost Kybernauts aligned to the Convocation of Triglav.

Bob (Proper Noun): Bob presides over the game's wormholes, unstable space anomalies connecting two disparate star systems. A fickle God, he yeet with one hand and yoink with the other. Appease him with gifts and good fights, and may the static ever roll in your favor.

MacGybo's avatar

Local Chat : An in-game chat channel restricted to all those in the same solar system. Can be used for intel due to showing details of all pilots. Does not display pilots details in either Pochven or Wormholes.

GF (Good fight) : A polite message to type in Local Chat after engaging in PvP whether you win or lose.

The Loot Fairy : A mythical entity who decides what loot (items) 'drop' (survive) from a destroyed ship into it's wreck.

The Pod Express : The journey taken upon destruction of a pod in order to return to one's home station. A pilot may ask if you wish to take 'the pod express' in local, meaning that he's offering to blow your capsule up.

Bots : The term used to described players - not NPCs - who's gameplay is automated in whole or in part. Against the EULA.

Cargo Scanner : A module used to scan the cargo of it's target ship. A non-aggressive module. Used by gankers to gauge potential targets. Some ships are immune to being scanned.

Killmail : A report of a ship's destruction or a pilot's pod automatically produced in-game. It displays the ship destroyed, it's cargo, rigs and fitted modules. Also provides details of who was involved in the kill as well as the value of all items involved. Can be posted with an out-of-game link into external killboards.

James 's avatar

Capsuleer: Players controlling powerful immortal pilots inside capsules, capable of piloting various spaceships.

ISK: The in-game currency used for trading, purchasing ships, modules, and services.

PvP: Player versus Player combat, where players engage in battles with other players' ships.

PvE: Player versus Environment activities, involving missions, exploration, and combat against computer-controlled entities.

Corporation: Player-run organizations, similar to guilds or clans, offering shared goals and resources.

Faction Warfare: Conflicts between competing factions in designated regions, allowing players to engage in faction-based combat.

Wormholes: Hidden cosmic anomalies providing access to remote regions of space and valuable resources.

Skill Points: The currency used to train character skills, allowing players to specialize and improve in different areas.

Jump Clones: Stations where players can store copies of their consciousness, enabling rapid movement between different parts of space.

Gatecamp: A tactic where players set up traps near stargates to catch unsuspecting travelers passing through.

FUN INC's avatar

NPSI, Not Purple Shoot It;

anyone in your fleet (who by default appear as Purple on your overview & brackets) is your friend, and everything else is a valid target – quite simply, is fleeting up with the mentality of “if you’re not with me, you’re against me”.

You can find more about NPSI, at


Jetcan Mining

A form of mining where the miner fills their cargo hold and then jettisons the contents into space. The jettisoned can then remains in space for a set amount of time before eventually dematerializing. The miner can leave the can for pickup by a hauling ship or even add to the contents until the can is full.

While convenient, jetcan contents may be taken by any player in space.

EVEIL's avatar

Pochven Express (Noun): The process of activating a 'Pochven' Filament, transporting a player to the Pochven Region. The player then activates an 'Extraction' Filament, returning the player to High Security space. Often used by explorers wishing to extract their loot from Null Security space, circumventing the need to travel through commonly camped systems and risk losing their ship and cargo.

Melicien Tetro's avatar

So useful, especially if you've got a map of the wormholes as well. :D

Rushlock's avatar

Cherry Picking (verb): Cargo Scanning a container on a Relic or Data site to preview it's contents before deciding whether or not to hack it. Then only hacking cans with loot of value within them.

Loru's avatar

'buddy fit'

a term I coined, when multiboxing: I fly 1 account as the primary ship, with other ships supporting that ship as AFK as possible.

IE main ship is doing the scanning, damage, mining. While other buddy fit accounts are boosting the main account.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hi Loru! Just wanted to give a quick reminder that only submissions work for bounties (not replies) so I couldn't mark you as a winner. The good news is that we'll be running this bounty again in the not-so-distant future. So, you'll have another chance to submit to our hopefully ever-growing encyclopedia.


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