EVE players are often pigeonholed, yet stereotypes rarely come from nowhere; whether it’s gankers or ratters, those pigeonholes tend to be full of pigeon. We asked the Just About EVE Online community to send us their favourite memes about player stereotypes, and their replies ran the gamut from the notorious learning curve to the outrageously extensive lore.
If you have a brilliant EVE meme we missed, share it as a reply.
Lore vs reality
You’ve only got yourselves to blame for I-401’s submission. Someone get Andrew Groen on the phone. Original post
Toto, I have a feeling we’re not in Azeroth anymore
When the learning curve looks like a sheer cliff, only memes will get you through.
Melicien Tetro had two excellent choices. Original post
Is this your first fleet-up, rookie?
greybills choice beautifully repurposes CCP Burger’s very best stank face. Original post
There’s always a bigger fish
This is how Schadsquatch feels when flying around null-sec hunting Goons. Original post
That post skill-injector feeling
We’ve all been there… right, orik Kado? Original post
No one give Brother Grimoire a Stratios
If you require evidence for why this is such a bad idea, look no further than the litany of lossmails Brother Grimoire posted alongside his submission. Original post
Got drones?
What else is there to do with an Ishtar? Not much according to Swagger Olacar. Original post
Choose your poison
Come in, make yourself at home. There’s a welcoming place for everyone in New Eden, let Melicien Tetro tell you all about…oh. Original post
How’s that NPE going?
No AIR Career Program is going to prepare you for a trip to nullsec. Here’s Melicien Tetroagain. Original post
CCPlz no!
IQ level: godlike…until it isn’t. Here’s one final pick from Melicien Tetro. Original post
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