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EVE Online

EVE Online
orik Kado's avatar

The most significant achievement during 2023 was undoubtedly the purchase of our corporation's first Azbel. Our corp already had a series of specialized Raitarus for manufacturing almost any item in the game, but we were still missing something to build capitals. However, after our alliance change, we were given the opportunity to acquire one. Now, we have a slightly broader manufacturing capacity. Undoubtedly, teamwork was the key to achieving this goal.

Cpt Armarlio's avatar

My highlight was being invited to FanFest by CCP, running a stall there selling my art work and getting to see and takeing pictures of my characters at the monument... oh and going to Iceland for the first time too!

Such an amazing place to go, was really lovely meeting people who I’ve spoken to over the years and to finally meet the various pilots who have flowed my art since I started.

Kshal Aideron's avatar

Wow, looking back at 2023. I really don't know what THE highlight would be. Would it be:

  1. The 2 year Anniversary of Eve Rookies?

  2. Hitting 2,000 players on the Eve Rookies Discord (in 11 months no less)?

  3. Being able to present at FanFest with two really awesome community leaders? AND asked to be on two panels.

  4. Standing up an average of 35 fleets a month and having over 75 brand new people a month fly with us?

  5. Becoming part of CSM18?

Looking at this list it's amazing and humbling. Especially because the end of January marks my 4 year anniversary as an Eve Online player. I'm pretty excited to see what 2024 brings!

Rixx Javix's avatar

So many great moments in 2023, but easily the greatest moment was unveiling the upcoming Eve Board Game at Fanfest in front of everyone. Watching the faces of the players as they slowly realized what they were seeing, answering questions, interacting with players and finally meeting the team at Titan Forge in person. This was easily the greatest moment of my year and possibly of my entire career in Eve Online frankly.

The icing on the cake was getting mentioned during the Keynote and having our picture shown on stage - the entire experience was unreal and - well, like watching a dream come true. I've been hard at work on this project for over a year now and I work alone in my studio at home, so feedback and interactions can often be challenging to come by. But the experience at Fanfest really helped me connect with the community and give me the energy I need to keep going.

I'm super excited for this amazing project and for bringing it to life in 2024.

Cpt Armarlio's avatar

It looks so great, well done! Unfortunatly I didnt get a chance to play it at FF.

Jaques Ufaltred's avatar

Highlight for this year was a major milestone in my EVE career.

I play as an alpha clone the majority of the time, but have been able to PLEX up my account a few times to get more skills and enjoy some perks of being omega such as the ability to run L4 missions and Incursions. This year, I reached the point of having enough Skill Points (both applied and unallocated) to finish every single alpha-available skill in the entire game, finishing with around 21M applied and nearly 3M unallocated SP. As a busy student with diminishing time for internet spaceships I feel that this is likely my endgame but am proud to have reached this milestone regardless.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

I think our highlight this year has been our growth as a channel from Eve Online's community.

We do this thing, where we fly around and we look in new player systems and we transfer anywhere from 50-100mil to new players. We watch the career agent systems and we take note of players coming and going i.e. doing the career missions.

One player, demon decided to give him 100mil, I was on a discord call with him when he did it, the player was undocking and he transferred the ISK, and the player's ship just sat there on undock for like 20 minutes. About 5 minutes later he got an Eve Mail.

Essentially the player was in-fact 14 years old and the Eve mail was from the mother, apparently after he got the ISK and worked out a player gave it to him with the message "Welcome to Eve" he ran screaming in excitement to his mother, who then as she said rushed to him and wanted to thank us personally as he was considering leaving the game, finding it hard to understand, the ISK would give him a boost and he was super happy.

Just nice to see and hear these things and how our team, can help and improve other players' experiences. Because we get these boosters from the invite program, 4 at a time which is normally around 300mil per 4, we have plenty of ISK to pass around.

Sturmer's avatar

Visiting Iceland, CCP Games Office, and Fanfest. But the most emotional moment was meeting at the Eve Online monument.

As I approached the site of the monument, I found myself increasingly overwhelmed by emotions. An inexplicable melancholy enveloped me, which, in reality, turned out to be deep joy. The significance of the moment, coupled with the uplifting realization that I had become part of something greater, filled me with a profound sense of belonging.

FUN INC's avatar

2023 - wow - what a year! - 2023 has been awesome.

We have run so many fleets, advertised so many different content creators, and helped NPSI grow once again in 2023.

Yes, we aren't the largest NPSI group - far from it in fact - however FUN INC does a hell of a lot for the wider community to develop, showcase and highlight the content available.

For me my in game highlight would have to be one of the three below.

Version 2 of the NPSI community gateway calendar landing -

Being asked to FC it the LAN party at Fanfest!

Presenting at Fanfest

Out of game ... I haven't even mentioned about raising £1K for the Childrens Hospital in Reykjavik!

It's tough. For so long in EVE, I was a passenger - now (oddly enough) I feel like a Leader!! :D


As usual outside the chorus, I'm making a point of being out of the chorus by now, but I'd say no highlight for EvE Online: I played very little, no meaningful interactions (I don't count idiots as meaningful interactions) and looking forward I hardly see any change.

If you want to stretch it out... I could say Just About was an highlight? But then it's only partially about the game itself?


KAZO+AR's avatar

Hello there,

I discovered PushX as an alternative to RedFrog or BlackFrog for deliveries and courrier contracts, they're fast, safe professionals (with a "no autopilot" policy) and very nice people. Push Interstellar Network (

I also met many people ingame and started to be independant in my choices of career path.

I can finally connect and have access to a lot of content and different gameplay, witch is important for me in my learning and understanding of New Eden and obviously the "not doing the same thing everyday" way that i chose.

So great year and a lot of things coming for 2024.

I wish you all a wonderful year.

Kaz. ❤️

Kane Carnifex's avatar

Offline? FF23 free water <3 Thank you very very much for this kind of minmal service. Iceland Tapwater, best Water!

The FF before we didn´t had these and either you bought it or grap it from the toilet. Maybe this is not much for you but maybe on diffrent points in life. For you water didn´t become the ENDBOSS yet. For all others which struggle to beat it, try tea or "aroma"

Sturmer's avatar

In Iceland, you can drink from puddles :)


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