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EVE Online

EVE Online
greybill's avatar

Great... you made me do a whole bunch.

Now let's see if this works.

greybill's avatar

well... seems like the editor has some issues with embedding more than one gihpy link?

this was supposed to be the second one:

greybill's avatar

yup, there seems to be something off.

there were the two links I tried:

but only the first one seems to be displayed.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Boomer is this something you could advise on?

Wadd Enderas's avatar

This is actually painful to watch! Too long spent in Traffic Control

Sturmer's avatar

A truly inspirational Viking scream from Hilmar

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I love this, that was such a great moment. I have to ask though, did you make it? This bounty is only for original, member-created GIFs. There's been a bit of confusion about it, so I've just amended the bounty title.

If it's not yours, feel free to hit the 'edit' button and resubmit a new one. Cheers!

Sturmer's avatar

I can provide you RAW files with all metadata if you want ;) I've been sitting 2 meters away from the stage with my cameras.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Well in that case... it's awesome - congratulations!

Kane Carnifex's avatar

It goes boom and Boom and Boom and Boom and Boom and Boom and Boom.

Jaques Ufaltred's avatar

This video clip was originally recorded during the Jita riots in November of 2021. While the circumstances of its creation were slightly less than festive, the resulting GIF looks like a party to me!

Alex Sinclair's avatar

That sure is pretty. Thanks for the submission and welcome to the platform!

FUN INC's avatar

FUN INC NPSI.ROCKS propaganda gif!

When I was in Agony Unleashed, there was one word that was reserved entirely for the FC - & that was "JUMP". It seemed a touch silly at the time, however years down the line, I now 100% get it.

Imagine this, our fleet lands on a gate, and our scout is into the system, scanning down a HVT worth many billions of ISK.

Just as we come out of warp, a fleet member asks that one question that makes my spine twinge - "did you say jump?", which then leads to a flurry of outbound gate activations, as the fleet members just heard the word jump, and decided that it was the FC that called for the fleet to jump.

HVT docks up and FC gets sad!


Alex Sinclair's avatar

This reminds me of that old joke about three people in line for a firing squad, where the first two escape by yelling 'flood!' and 'earthquake!' and then the third yells 'fire!'

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Quick question: did you make this GIF? For this bounty, they need to be original creations.

FUN INC's avatar

Eck! - my bad - no - definitely not my gif!

I will resubmit something, I have a couple of my own, and will edit in due course!

Alex Sinclair's avatar

No problem! Feel free to edit your submission. I think we should probably run a share-an-existing-EVE-GIF bounty at some point too.

FUN INC's avatar

OP updated - i did leave the JUMP gif in ... if only for the story! :D

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Aha I like your new one even more. Thanks for updating!

Cpt Armarlio's avatar

Well this is indeed a tough one, there are so many to choose from but this one has always made me chuckle.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Ha! That's great. For this bounty, they do need to be original GIFs though. We might run another bounty where you can share others' creations.

Sturmer's avatar

Quick question: it should be in-game footage, or could be anything Eve online related?

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Good question. We were originally envisaging in-game video content, but anything related to EVE, as long as you've made it yourself, is fine.


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