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EVE Online
Alex Sinclair's avatar

All credit to Rixx Javix for this grim but glorious bounty idea.

Sturmer's avatar

ou boi... time to show my BOX OF PEOPLE!

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Life is like a box of... oh god no!

FUN INC's avatar

I donate my corpses to people that kill me! :D

Wadd Enderas's avatar

Do I count as famous? :D

Cpt Armarlio's avatar

Depends on what you call space famous. I was helping a streamer called "Amiomia" to get her first solo kill but she ended up getting podded. I guess technically it’s no longer in my collection but it was for a brief moment.

One of her followers on twitch contacted me in game, asking me to scoop it and would pay me 1.5B for it. I guess she’s famous to her twitch followers.

Sturmer's avatar

I want to hear a full story, how help to get a kill turned into a podkill of the hunter herself :p

greybill's avatar

Oh, I have a couple of interesting ones in Jita. But I'm currently out sight seeing on a certain Grand Tour... let's hope I make it back in time!

EveOnlineTutorials's avatar

Never was a corpse collector, ever really, but good luck to everyone here!

greybill's avatar

I made it back in time for this bounty. So let's show off a little, shall we?

Kadesh' Priestess: The developer behind Pyfa & member of Goryn Clade, also known as master theory crafter of the Hydra AT-team. I won this corpse in the abyssal proving grounds once.

Kelon Darklight: Long-time member of The Tuskers. The renowned small gang community. A name that strikes fear in any null bears heart. But Kelon is especially well known for his solo PVP and quality-fitting choices. I was so lucky to counter one of his fits in the abyssal proving grounds and take away this as my price.

Grunt Kado: Maybe better known as Kaiser Friedlich, the name of the YouTube channel. This one I didn't earn. But when you fly around with Grunt Kado, you may eventually be present when even this man's pod explodes. I remember this was a fierce fight on a wormhole.

I hope the abyssal proving grounds make a return at some point. It's a great chance to grow the collection. Some names only hold personal value, of course.

Rixx Javix's avatar

Bring Out Your Dead

I'm not a corpse collector - I'm a corpse seller.

Almost fifteen years ago I collected The Mittani's corpse in Catch after a battle and sold it on the forums for a substantial sum of isk. That's when I made the realization that "celebrity" corpses could be a nice side-business. Since then I've collected and sold some of the most famous corpses in all of New Eden at one time or another. And made a nice return on that investment over the years.

Since I don't have a visual record I won't mention any names, but instead focus on a new business - selling my own corpse. Recently we put my dead body up on the HyperNet and got several billion isk for it. This helped us pay for a replacement structure in one of our Wormholes. I also use my corpse to help fund various events and doctrine ships for our roams. As you can see above I usually keep one or two of them on hand in case they are needed.

All of the corpses I collect and sell are acquired either by myself or other members of Stay Frosty after a fight. There are some un-spoken rules regarding corpse collection. The main one being this - if you didn't earn it, don't touch it.

greybill's avatar

Well, now I feel a bit like I missed out, separating my blog/internet personality from my Eve character. :D

Rixx Javix's avatar

Maybe? You also missed out on all the wonderful horror that came along with that decision, like the stalking, and the doxx'ing, etc. So maybe you made the right choice.

greybill's avatar

Well, from that perspective, it's probably more relaxed to separate the two.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Selling your own corpse feels like the most EVE hustle ever

Kane Carnifex's avatar

Therapist: So you are collecting corpses? Me: Yes, i have 419 currently. Therapist: (heavily making notes) How did you got access to these? Me: Oh, I podded them. Therapist:  You podded them? What does this mean? Me: I killed them, otherwise you don't get the corpse.. you silly. Let me show you my collection….! (open ups the laptop and starts eve) Therapist: Ah it's a game… Susi, you can call off the cops.

4x I looted myself, that's not creepy. That boosted the number from 415 to 419 one more and we need a new stack because everything should be 420. It´s me so it is.

Honestly they are all famous to me but i can't remember how I collected them. Like i am not a creep writing down how exactly they got killed and when and you know the psychopath stuff. So maybe we should not feed the “call of the void”.

But anyway here are my personal highlights from just looking through the 419 names.

Immortal Bitch according to zkill stopped playing around summer 2020

Lt Catchme was last seen back in November 2023

We catched him, ohoho höhöh

So if you are a collector you have a Mobile Sanguine Harvester always with you.

Sturmer's avatar

Over the years, I've accumulated quite a collection of corpses in EVE Online, though I never originally intended to. It started by chance but evolved as I realized each kill had a story, and I became sentimentally attached to these digital trophies.

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Among my collection, there's one capsuleer's body that stands out. It's tied to the story of how I joined my first corporation, which began with a PVP academy.

During a distress call from the well-known Dirty Deeds Corp. [DDC] (another long story of Eve History), I, along with six other neophytes in tacking Vigils, rushed to the system with the name Esa. A fierce battle was underway between DDC and Shinra Corp., and here's a video documentary of that event: EVE Online: Retro PvP - Shinra vs DDC (2004/No audio) (

In the chaos, one DDC pilot contacted me to secure his corpse so the enemy couldn't claim it. I agreed and scooped up Thunder Jolly's corpse, intending to escrow it back to him at the station. However, he never claimed the contract. So, two decades later, I still hold onto it, waiting for its retrieval


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