Hold onto your microwarpdrives - this planetary photography showcase is about to take you on a journey through New Eden, past gas giants, barren rocks, lava planets, and water worlds shrouded in scarlet mists.
When we asked our community of passionate EVE fans to provide us with their best planet screenshots, we weren’t ready for the quantity and quality in which they’d be provided. Take for example, this picture of Rixx Javix’s ship orbiting a pale Saturn-like planet.
Next up, we have this showstopper complete with a Nebula-framed star. It was submitted by Eaglefirefly, who challenges readers to guess where it was taken.
And here’s Cpt Armarlio’s ten-out-of-ten shot of a Hecate flying through Genesis’s Promised Land. Lining up the sun and planet took several attempts as Amarlio warped back and forth dropping bookmarks. We think it’s safe to say that their efforts paid off.
Sturmer’s shot takes an ominous tone. Their red-glowing Orthrus straddles the light and dark sides of a clouded planet surrounded by crimson space.
You’ve got to love a lava planet. EveOnlineTutorials certainly does; they submitted several images of this one in Otitoh. We’ve shared our top pick below, but check out their original submission for several great alternatives.
Offering the cool yin to EveOnlineTutorials’ yang, the next shot was submitted by Kane Carnifex and shows the swirling vortices of a storm planet.
Take Kane and EveOnlineTutorials’ planets and merge them together, and you might get something like greybill’s image, which they’ve named Iron Clouds. The shot was taken during the Triglavian Invasion and features an unknown water planet.
While, like good parents, we try our best not to have favourites, we absolutely love this shot by Jaques Ufaltred. It was taken during 2022’s EVE x Doctor Who event, and features an array of colours rarely seen in EVE’s dark universe.
FUN INC’s shot - captioned “dude, where’s my fleet?” - captures the magnificent vastness of space. Compared to Jaq’s shot, it’s minimalist - containing just enough hints of nebula and lens flare to build intrigue and mystery.
Not every planet has a silver lining, but this one submitted by JAKEL33T certainly does. As the sun first peeks around the edge of the planet, Jake’s ship is perfectly aligned with its dawn glare. Jake provided a fantastic array of screenshots in his bounty submission that we recommend you check out.
Which planet screenshot was your favourite? How many of the planets can you identify? Let us know in the comments! We also have articles showing off our community’s action screenshots and Havoc screenshots.
Cover image credit: Razorien on Flickr
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