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EVE Online

EVE Online
JAKEL33T's avatar

Veldspar's silent call,

Miners toil in asteroid's thrall,

Wealth from rocky haul.

FUN INC's avatar

Al-ways be cloak-ed

Failure to do so will be

Your fin-al dem-ise

Sturmer's avatar

In space, paths diverge, Wormholes shift, stargates beckon, Filaments, one-way.


On a lone voyage

Lone cruising in space Thinking on past, on future Mind wanders away

On the wanderers

Space is emptiness The wandering soul seeks light A star is distant

On the battle

The fight was fiery Cries of death echoed through space Wrecks rest peacefully

Also, if you want, you can read my previous Haiku works here:

EVEIL's avatar

Warping to the gate,

Ready to place a bubble,

Who's the next victim?

Rixx Javix's avatar


Pirates roam the void, Plundering riches unseen, Stars weep for their greed.


Rixx Javix soars,

Eve's tales in pixels unfold,

Space-faring dreams roar.

Rich's avatar

Love the personification in #1 ⭐

Rixx Javix's avatar

Thanks. These are always harder to write than you think they will be.


A few years back I did write some EVE related haikus for a writing contest and back then I had a japanese acquaintance look them over and translate them into japanese.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Down goes a ship

Exploding the pod

Wake up in station

I tried :P

Limal's avatar

Sorry, wrong comment.

Limal's avatar

New Eden expands, Stargates - not, Triglavs and Wormholes are helping.


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