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EVE Online

EVE Online
Sturmer's avatar

When I'm in a carebear zone, I might opt for something poetic – like a Weathertight from MTG.

For serious spaceship business, I rename my ship to match someone from local, planting a seed of doubt and chaos in my opponent's D-scan.

Elinore en Divalone's avatar

I use code names for my ships: <3 letter ship make>-<some random digits><one letter sequence code >

where: <3 letter ship make> is <first Faction letter><first ship type letter><first ship make letter> <some random digits> randomly entered numbers from the keayboard of various length - depends on mood :) <one letter sequence code> if I have more ships of the same type/make from the same batch I reuse random number sequence and add next Latin alphabet letter at the end.

Examples: Gallente (space) shuttle no 1: GSS-16371A Gallente (space) shuttle no 2: GSS-16371B

Council Diplomatic Shuttle no 1: CDS-23712A

Caldari Destroyer Cormorant no 1: CDC-723457A Caldari Destroyer Cormorant no 3: CDC-723457C

And so on...

💡Fun fact - from CDS description: "Based on a decommissioned Pacifier-class CONCORD frigate, this swift armored transport is typically used by the Directive Enforcement Department to ensure secure transportation of VIPs and high profile political figures.

Most recently it has been utilized to carry members of the Council of Stellar Management to and from their bi-annual summit with the CONCORD Assembly in Yulai."

Swagger Olacar's avatar

-If it's bombers I go for famous real life WW2 bombers like "Ye Olde Pub" or "Old 666".

-My capitals are all named after Black Ops Zombies maps, right now I own Der Eisendrache and Der Riese, since I'm a very new capital pilot I wanted to go for names that meant something special, something of my younger days for instance I thought, and back in the day the zombies mode in Call of Duty was "the thing" people would talk about in my school days.

-My industrial ships I name all the same based from a meme a friend sent me once, is a tattoo on some dude's fists that is supposed to read "HOPLESS ROMANTIC" but is so poorly made that it reads (or it does to me) as "EL HOPANESS ROMTIC" and the name was so dumb that it suck.

-For anything that I use to tackle since I live and hunt in Fraternity space (a mainly chinese alliance) I name my tackle ships/cynos "ice cream" in chinese. That way I can blend with the chiense residents whenever my chips show up on D-SCAN. To this day I'm not sure if it works....but sure hope it does :v

Brother Grimoire's avatar

My naming convention swings wildly between to states: Completely unhinged cringe meme names and thoughtfully organized names.

For example, my Stratios that I blow up all the time is currently the "Beehive Mk.19", which denotes how many predecessors my current ship has had. On the other side, we have ships named "UwUcifer", "SpankiesFromDaddy", and "GluckGluck9000".

greybill's avatar

It depends. If it's a ship I hold dear and want to avoid blowing up with, it gets a special name. For example:

Otherwise, I try to play mind games with it. Since others will see the name on their D-Scan, I come up with names like "no pvp 2" (now you wonder what happened to "no pvp 1", don't you?) 😎

Or naming the Interceptor "taxi" to imply it's just passing through. Or a name that implies the Ferox is a rail-fitted doctrine ship, instead of a Blaster-fitted brawler. I have no proof that ever works, but I want to believe it.

Next level in a crowded local is to pick a name and rename the ship after them, so their allies may think you are them when spotted on D-Scan. Of course that only works as long as the person is also in local. But you would be surprised how little communication happens between members of bigger groups.

Speaking of D-Scan. I have heard stories of people practically chatting in wormhole space by continuously renaming their ships. How funny is that? :D

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Ha, I've never even considered these tactics. They're glorious. I particularly like the WH-space comms idea.

FUN INC's avatar

If it is just me, i call it pointers, or pointy or something like that.

If fleeting, i either come up with whatever roles into my head "Thursty Thursday" for Thursday fleet "Satdeh best day" for saturday fleets - it really is random. If i don't think of something, i just ask the fleet and take the first "sensible" offer!

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

For me when I named ships it was about what the ship was used for a lot of the time and of course the ship itself.

So for my example, we used to run T1 Abyssals as a group in Retributions non-stop, so my Retribution ship name was Retrobyssal.

My PvP ship names where always the same unless instructed by the FC, it's a name that all my friends started using "IRunAwayAlot" and they still use it to this day, you'd be surprised how many people fall for it lol.

Kshal Aideron's avatar

Unless I'm forced into a naming convention by the FC, my ship names come from song titles.

I think the one that got some laughs and comments was when I played scout/skirmish and named my pink Malediction Candy Coated Suicide after a Nightclub song.

I found the other EBM/Industrial music lover out in Null with Maggots at the Party by Combichrist. And last year I found all of the Germans (who care about Eurovision) with Blood and Glitter by Lord of the Lost.

I just find it really fun when people in fleet, or in local recognize the songs!

Rixx Javix's avatar

Recently I've started naming my ships after subtitles, like this awesome one from a recent episode of Shogun - [armor jingling] was perfect for a new Comet. Or [priest murmuring], or [storm brewing], or [distant whispers]. Each week during my Flying Circus fleet we decide on a random naming convention, last week's was 'difficult subjects', so I named my ship "Race Relations", some of the names were truly inspired. I also enjoy naming my ship after the youngest player in local at the time so it seems less dangerous. That's always fun.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I'm going to be thinking of this next time I watch a film with subtitles. I can imagine you can get some poetic ones; "ice gently cracks", "ominous breathing", "approaching footsteps"


I take the fiercest word I can think of, and the ugliest creature and combine them. It's how I came up with the Enraged Blobfish

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Simple but effective; 'the savage mole-rat'

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Credit to both Rixx Javix and AlexGoesTheWorld for this bounty idea. Thank you!

JAKEL33T's avatar

I just name all my ship the same, You don't want your ship name to have you toon name it in IMO.


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