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EVE Online
Rixx Javix's avatar


I've updated the Excel Spreadsheet linked below, which shows 194 Unique Corporations Exploded. I did not update the image included because that takes a lot of time to prepare. I was hoping to break 200 today, but everyone was hiding from our fleet :) I can't imagine why...

Obviously I also happened to host the 10th Annual Frigate Free For All during this time, which certainly helped push those numbers up a bit more than they normally might be expected. But I will also say this, I did nothing else unusual during this time. I just continued to play the game as I always do and did not go out of my way to score any additional numbers. My Corp mates had a lot of very creative suggestions regarding how I could pad these numbers, but win or lose, I wanted them to be earned.

Here is a link to download the FINAL excel spreadsheet:

My apologies, the image has some duplications which do not appear on the spreadsheet. I was just bad at making the image apparently.

Jackbeard's avatar

Say Mŷs Tæ Rae, we're safe here, ain't we? You 'aven't seen her around?

Mŷs Tæ Rae's avatar

Whomsoever dost thou spake? Are we to presume you're referring to Granny Jab—

Jackbeard's avatar

HUSH now! Don't you go finishin' her name! She'll appear if ye say it, ye damned fool!

Mŷs Tæ Rae's avatar

Mys Tae Rae, the miasmic master of the digital domain, holds no fear for superstition!!

Jackbeard's avatar

Superstition?! Even a pirate lord knows to fear a woman with dentures sharpened like a hammerhead's maw! They say she drowned a man just for forgettin' to use a coaster with 'is teacup! Anyhow, as long as no one says 'er full name, we should be fine.

Mŷs Tæ Rae's avatar

Superstition it may be, but I shall not test the theory; I'll not speak the three syllables. A peculiar moniker it is. Do you think she named herself after the Tech One Amarr battleship, or the angel of the abyss?

Jackbeard's avatar

I'd rather not find out! Cease yer jabberin' before ye loose lips sink all our ships! We could 'ave eavesdroppers! I 'ate it when me eaves get dropped!

Wadd Enderas's avatar

Are you guys talking about Granny Jabaddon? I'm not sure what you're so concerned about, you're supposed to be a fearsome pirate and an international man of mystery... surely she can't be that bad...?


Never underestimate a granny with imposing name. Her laser straight cane can hit just as hard as the ones of the mighty Amarrian T1 Battleship.

Jackbeard's avatar

AlexGoesTheWorld, ye don't know the 'alf of it! I 'eard she swatted a supercapital from the skies just because it blocked the afternoon sun. Be fearful, I says! Fearful, says I!

Jackbeard's avatar

Oh Wadd Enderas, what 'ave ye done?! She's 'ere!

Granny Jabaddon's avatar

Well, well, well. Did somebody call granny's name? Hello dearies. Anyone fancy a cup of tea?

Mŷs Tæ Rae's avatar

No, ma'am. Thank you, ma'am.

Granny Jabaddon's avatar

Suit yourselves. There ain't nothing a lovely cuppa can't fix though. Apart from perhaps a broken neck. Heh. But would you listen to me go on! You must be wondering why I'm here? I'll answer my own question, shall I? Yes? Good. I've a fun little challenge - far beyond either of your talents, of course, with your cute little puzzles and your adorable voyages.

Instead, this challenge is for anyone with the steel to have a go, which is why I'm addressing it to literally everyone reading apart from you two. You see, New Eden is a bit too crowded for my liking - all that noise gives granny a headache. I'm challenging you to thin it out a little. Think of it like mowing the lawn. We should name this challenge, really. Hmm. How about 40 Days of Devastation. Lovely? Lovely.

Here's what you need to know. From today, anyone reading this will have 40 days to wipe out pilots from as many different corps as possible. They don't need to do the most damage or get the final blow, just to help make them go boom. Does that sound good, petals? Of course it does! You'll need proof of course, so come back to this bounty thingamajig and share the killmails. You get one point for every killmail you share from a different corp. No dupes! In case of a tie, we'll look at final blows, and then total damage.

Then we'll all meet back here for a lovely bit of lemon drizzle cake! Mmm, my favourite! And whomever has slayed members from the largest number of corps will receive $100 from me. Old granny doesn't know what people like these days, and this way they can buy themselves something nice instead. But I can recommend you some chainsaws and thumbscrews if you're in the market.

Granny Jabaddon's avatar

Well then, sweetie. I only wish you luck. One quick thing: don't disappoint me. You wouldn't like granny when she's angry.

Annette's avatar

Heyo! 😁

You had submitted a bug (via the Bug Report form—thanks so much for that 🧡) letting us know that your replies here were not showing up. We ran a spike to figure out what that hay have been and didn't turn anything up...did everything you remember posting to this thread end up where you thought it would?

Thx! 🙏

FUN INC's avatar

hey hey! - i am pretty sure at least 1 reply perhaps 2 may be missing? - i am sure that i replied to Rix here >>

Annette's avatar

Thanks, FUN INC! We'll keep our noses to the ground on this one and LYK what turns up 🐾


What if I'm a pacifist of sort? 🤔

Granny Jabaddon's avatar

Back in my day, we'd stick pacifists in torpedo launchers and shoot them out for fun. Times have changed now, of course... but there's always the airlock. So what will it be, dearie? Will you accept my challenge or decline it? I strongly encourage the former.


I pass, thank you. I'm at disadvantage even before starting and I don't die to go shooting others, it's bad for my health.

greybill's avatar

Dang. This would be a challenge right up my alley. Unfortunately, there is a tournament going on over the coming three weekends (Anger Games 6) in which I will primarily fly logi... 🤷‍♂️

I wish good luck to everyone giving it a shot. FUN INC will be tough competition. (My tip to anyone competing: Join an as big as possible NPSI fleet flying T1 frigates with a smart bombing battleship. Just don't forget your sunglasses. 😎 💥💥💥)

Thinking about it... there is also the Frigate Free For All hosted by Stay Frosty on the 20th of April. Great opportunity too.

FUN INC's avatar

I'm AG6-ing too! see you on grid! :)

Granny Jabaddon's avatar

Hmmm yes. Granny has heard of this Frigate Free For All. It's held by one Rixx Javix if I recall correctly. Another 'pirate lord' that ol' granny could crush before she's had her marmalade breakfast.

Granny Jabaddon's avatar

Oh I do like a young man with manners! How do you take your tea? Black like my heart or white like bones of my enemies? Just kidding, just kidding. Milk and sugar?

greybill's avatar

Oh look, it's Olmeca Gold!

(that was for the CSM campaign in 2019)

Granny Jabaddon's avatar

I've been wearing this do since YC76. If I hear some young upstart has been copying my style, well...

greybill's avatar

What was stylish back then is still stylish now.

Granny Jabaddon's avatar

Quite right. Quite right. Granny Jabaddon is as still as chic as ever. Appearances are important, you know. Still, any pretenders will be met without mercy. Heh heh. Take care, petal!

FUN INC's avatar

Aiming to keep a running tally on this one over the next 40 days!

Here is the Advanced Search | zKillboard search - i have left this as an open-ended query from 2024-04-08 00:01


Kills against 11 different corporations


Roam Report

Kills against 17 different corporations (roam)

24/04/2024 Roam Report

Kills against 4 different corporations

25/04/2024 Roam Report

Kills against 12 different corporations (roam)

27/04/2024 Roam Report

Kills against 9 different corporations (roam)

02/05/2024 Roam Report

Kills against 20 different corporations (roam)

04/05/2024 Roam Report

Kills against 16 different corporations (roam)

09/05/2024 Roam Report

Kills against 13 different corporations (roam)


Roam Report

Kills against 18 different corporations (roam)

Kills against 120 different corporations (campaign)

308 kills valued at 81.37BN destroyed


Granny Jabaddon's avatar

Trying to scare off the competition, eh? I like your style. We'll see if they're so easily cowed.

FUN INC's avatar

Competition? - what competition .. muhahaha?! :D

Rixx Javix's avatar

Funny, in the same time-frame I've also had kills against 11 different Corporations. :)

Granny Jabaddon's avatar

Now, now, boys. Do play nice for granny. Or, of course, don't.

FUN INC's avatar

Awpppf.... youll have the 20th up on me too! :D -sensible moneys on you tbf! :D

Rixx Javix's avatar

As of today I have destroyed pilots from 106 different corporations. YARRR!

Rixx Javix's avatar

I decided to take the hard route on this and compile the list manually. So I created two lists. One which is each Corporation name listed alphabetically, so I can quickly reference if they have lost a ship already. And the other list which contains a running tab with the zKill URL of each kill for easy reference. At the end I can compare the two lists and see if they add up.

This was probably an insane thing to do, wasn't it?

Granny Jabaddon's avatar

Dear me, I'm starting to wonder if I've underestimated you. Organisation is a lost art among the younger generations.

Rixx Javix's avatar

Can we get an official start and stop date for this? Would be extremely helpful. Thanks.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hey Rixx Javix I'll answer in granny's stead while she's at Bingo. It started on April 9 and lasts until just before midnight on May 19.

FUN INC's avatar

Can we get a weekly leaderboard on this? :)

I am up to kills against 28 different corporations :)

Advanced Search | zKillboard

Rixx Javix's avatar

As of today I'm at 95 different corporations total since April 9th. :)

Sturmer's avatar

95? Nutz! Are you smartbombing at Jita 4-4 undock or something?)))

Rixx Javix's avatar

lol no, but I did invite thousands of people to my home system on Saturday so I could explode them in t1 Frigates :) That does help.

Sturmer's avatar

Clever use of media channels )))

FUN INC's avatar

Now ... there is the competition! - Gauntlet has been thrown down!

Granny Jabaddon's avatar

Mr Google, tell me recipes for flan

Granny Jabaddon's avatar

Wait! Hang on, wrong place! Not of a word of this to anybody! While I'm here, how's all killing going, dearies?

FUN INC's avatar

so far... Kills against 52 different corporations (campaign) & 32.10BN destroyed!

Advanced Search | zKillboard

Granny Jabaddon's avatar

My 40 Days of Desolation are almost at a close! Time is running out to submit your final killcounts and evidence, my lovelies! Then we can all bathe amidst their bones and enjoy a nice scone!


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