While most of EVE Online’s latest expansion, EVE Equinox, focused on Nullsec changes and planetary industry, the planets themselves also saw changes that deserve their day in the sun - or rather, their span orbiting their particular star. All nine types of EVE Online planet received a striking visual update, and we set our community of devoted EVE players a bounty: we offered small cash prizes for capturing a screenshot of a planet, and decidedly less small cash prizes for anyone intrepid enough to venture out and snap a stellar screenshot of every single planet type. Below, you’ll discover the beautiful results of their photographical planetary odysseys.
We’ll start with one of our absolute favourites. Never mind above and beyond, Rixx Javix went to infinity and beyond, not only capturing every planet type but turning them into this gorgeous wallpaper. And if you’re wondering where the ninth planet is - the ‘shattered planet’ type - it’s in the background.

EVE Online has nine planet types: barren, gas, ice, lava, oceanic, plasma, storm, temperate, and shattered. Wadd Enderas managed to get a stunning snap of every one of them. Have a flick through his album:
Here’s Sturmer’s composite image, constructed from all nine planets. He asks: “Where would you like to land?” Let him know the answer in the comment section!

Nine planets is pretty good right? We thought so when we set the challenge. But as Sturmer showed us, technically speaking there’s a tenth EVE Online planet type, if you include the unique ‘scorched barren’ hybrid planet: Turner.

Sturmer recommends paying it a visit, but warns of perils in the system and recommends performing your gatechecks. Limal took Sturmer’s advice and made it out alive. Here’s their composite shot with Turner as the backdrop:

Next up, let’s take a look at each of EVE Online’s planet types close up. We’ve tagged the authors underneath each shot:
EVE Online oceanic planets

Credit: TheGreatestBanana12 - original post

Credit: EveOnlineTutorials - original post
EVE Online gas planets

Credit: TheGreatestBanana12

Credit: EveOnlineTutorials
EVE Online temperate planets

Credit: TheGreatestBanana12

Credit: EveOnlineTutorials
EVE Online plasma planets

Credit: TheGreatestBanana12

Credit: EveOnlineTutorials
EVE Online storm planets

Credit: TheGreatestBanana12

Credit: EveOnlineTutorials
EVE Online lava planets

Credit: TheGreatestBanana12

Credit: EveOnlineTutorials
EVE Online ice planets

Credit: TheGreatestBanana12

Credit: EveOnlineTutorials
EVE Online barren planets

Credit: TheGreatestBanana12

Credit: EveOnlineTutorials
We received another barren planet screenshot from Brother Grimoire who added “even the barren planets look nice now!”. They sure do. So nice, in fact, that we used Brother Grimoire’s shot as the cover image for this article.
EVE Online shattered planets

Credit: TheGreatestBanana12

Credit: EveOnlineTutorials
We hope you enjoyed our EVE Online planet type showcase. Thank you to all of the Just About EVE members who shared their photos with us. Let us know which shot was your favourite in the comments!
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