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EVE Online

EVE Online
Jackbeard's avatar

Well blow me down and paint me sails! Ye really pulled it off, ye space-rovin' rascal! I'd have wagered me last doubloon that it could nae be done! But by the blighted ghost o' Blackbeard 'imself, ye've gone an' tracked 'im down! Ye have me heartiest of congratulations! I'll be singin' shanties 'bout yer grand accomplishment 'til the seas run dry and the stars fade from the sky! Yarrr!

Granny Jabaddon's avatar

Oh my. Petal, you've impressed me. And that's not so easily done at my age. You should be proud of yourself. But heed my warning, don’t go squandering all those winnings on sweets, or you’ll rot those precious teeth of yours.

But truly, thank you for finding our old friend.

Brother Grimoire's avatar

Okay, now I can talk about it!

The first challenge was pretty straightforward. Solve the riddles and get the first code.

The second challenge required a lot of travel and a little bit of EVE knowledge. The only way into the Pochven system was through a wormhole or by chance with a filament if you didn't have standings. Getting to the ruins required a passkey that is only available through Gallente COSMOS or by buying the key from the market. To buy myself as much time as possible from my competitors, I made sure to keep the passkeys off the contract market >:D

The third challenge was straightforward, but as Kane Carnifex learned, there is no shortcut. Luckily, I fly with friends pretty often, so I was able to get in on some dank frags and participated in some bashing to make it happen.

Combining all three link pieces from each individual challenge rewards you with a sound bite that sounds garbled and distorted. My first thought was to run it through AI transcribers in case it was in a foreign language, but I didn't have much luck. I was chatting with my dad and he suggested it might be a backwards clip, which was indeed the case. Upon flipping the audio, it became clear that the last piece of the puzzle was to find Major Tom in the Space Oddity. For this, I mobilized my community alongside putting the word out to wormhole groups and EVE Scout in order to find it. As of this morning, the Space Oddity was found and my journey finally brought to an end!

Wadd Enderas's avatar

I was surprised when I couldn't find the passkey on contracts! It all makes sense now :D Congratulations my man, well deserved.

I'm so pleased Major Tom was the final puzzle, he's my favourite easter egg in EVE

Kane Carnifex's avatar

You actually needed 2 Keys or have nice Gall. Standing.
Did i bought some... maybe maybe not who knows.

I relisted them for ~1Bill or so, but there is a guy running them and relisting them aswell.

Kane Carnifex's avatar

They changed afterwards the rules, so i count this as an point for me.
Honestly, the first idea was to blow up corp mate in a Navy Dread and pay im out.
But if i go cheese, than we go Appenzeller.

Anyway Congrats good catch <3

If you don´t know how to spend the money.


Congratulatins to those pilots who completed one hell of a challenge. Its actually impressive to see something like this be done externally for players to partake in (and it allowing for it to be done solo)


I was sure this would take so much longer! After all this time I should know better than to underestimate EVE players :D

Congrats, Brother Grimoire!

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Massive congratulations to from the EOT team on this, really well done.

Rixx Javix's avatar

Congratulations and well done!!

CommanderA9's avatar

Hmm! I believe that screenshot was taken at the Luminaire Snowball Fight I hosted! It's an event I host every winter.


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