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EVE Online

EVE Online
Limal's avatar

Let’s crack this reward open!

It started as a typical day. I landed a few jumps away from a rookie system to begin my usual mining operation with my trusty Orca, aiming to help new players boost their profits. During the session, one of them reported an aggressive pilot in a neighboring system - someone stealing loot, flagging for combat, and generally provoking trouble.

I quickly deployed a Mobile Depot to add a warp disruptor and webifier to my otherwise peaceful Orca. One of the things I love about this ship is the massive 40k m³ fleet hangar, letting me carry a wide range of gear for quick adaptability. After 90 seconds, I was omw to handle the situation.

Upon arrival in the asteroid belt, I cleared a few NPC pirates, leaving their wrecks behind, and dropped a can filled with some ores to bait the troublemaker. I also deployed my mining drones to make it appear like business as usual.

Within five minutes, that pilot arrived in a Corax, going straight for the jetcan. He clearly wasn’t forseen me to tackle him, locking his movement and preventing his warp. What he really didn’t expect was my peaceful harvesters turning into aggressive Valkyries II, dishing out over 600 DPS :)

The fight was over in moments, leaving me victorious. Aside from reclaiming my ores lol, I also snagged a loot haul worth 7 million ISK, nice bonus!

I’m keeping names and locations under wraps to protect my identity - Orca baiting is a known tactic, and I’m not about to risk my 3 billion ISK ship by sharing too much!

Cpt Armarlio's avatar

All ships are pvp ships, this bounty makes no sence.

Rixx Javix's avatar

Should be an easy one for you then.

Cpt Armarlio's avatar

Sorry for my shitty comment; it IS a good idea. Just wasnt in the right state of mind when I said that,


Does it matter how recent the video is? I have a good clip of my mining fleet murdering two would-be gankers but its like a year or more old.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hey Josh B - it doesn't matter how recent the video is, so submit away. However, we've said that only the two ships involved can be on the killmail, which is sounds like wouldn't be the case for your video. That said, if we don't receive any submissions in the next couple of weeks, we'll take that as a sign that this reward is a bit too challenging and we might drop that requirement o7

Sturmer's avatar

A smartbombing Phoon considered as PVE ship? I agree with Cpt Armarlio even a Velator with a point is a PVP machine. or

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Sturmer Cpt Armarlio I've updated the reward details so it's a bit more clear what we're looking for. Consider the challenge this: win a one-on-one fight in a ship considered mismatched or unconventionally suited for the job. So the answer to your question depends on how mismatched your Typhoon would be to its victim.

If we're lacking sufficient valid submissions to this reward in a couple of weeks' time, we'll take that as a sign that we've misjudged the challenge and we'll drop the 1-on-1 requirement. Your feedback is always welcome. o7

Rixx Javix's avatar

For inspiration, yesterday Stay Frosty caught and killed a Rattlesnake using 15 Bantams.

Now, Bantams are horrible little T1 Logi Frigates that get no love, but you throw a couple of neutron blasters on them with a faction shield extender and suddenly 15 of them can bring down a Faction Battleship. We also killed Brutix Navies, Caracal, an Oracle, and a dozen other ships.

Hopefully this inspires you. There are plenty of ships in Eve that many consider unsuitable for PvP and I do not - used the right way almost any ship can be a weapon.


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