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EVE Online

EVE Online
FUN INC's avatar

So thinking outside the box on this one... why not try this...

Once you get good at something, reach out to EVE Uni and speak to them about teaching others about that expertise .

EVE uni are always looking for subject specialists and always welcome new content. It doesn't have to be about PVP, pr PVE - it could be about any area of space.

If there is no content for it, then make the content and class and teach others about it.

Having the ability to record, and or stream to twitch is also really handy - also setting up a you tube channel is worth it too, to store the information.

I know teaching doesn't always appeal to everyone, however passing on knowledge to newer players is really easy - and really rewarding.

Good luck!


Being a scammer!

Yeap you heard right! It is one of the less popular patch people take, but I'll show it is viable (I as myself don't do it, I'm just to honest to do it, but if people do it, I can infer that it has to be profitable!) and not against the rules (of course I'll not talk about getting onto someone's accounts, it is bad, remember!). I'll talk about 2 main, most popular ways people scam others!

First type of scammer you could be, is contract scammer! Now I'll show you 2 screens from the game how people tricks others!

Jita scammer

Here you can see one of the many jita local chat offers from the people! At first look, it sound like a very good deal (atleast now, because 1 plex goes for 6.1 million isk) and this guy offers you 6.9 Billion for 1000 plex! Next step probably new player would take is clicking into his offer that would look like this :

Jita scammer 2

And first glance it looks like that guy told the true, you want to click, but wait, you read and there is said that you'll get only 6.9 milion isk, not 6.9 billion for 1000 plex! That's how people scam others in contracts! They name tittle of the contract the way they want you to see it, but insides of contracts look other! You can coppy that to your own use! They do the same thing with blueprints( they want you to think that you're buying original but it is the copy) or with ships (especially the one's that have their counterpart in navy issue (let's say navy issue is tier 1+) like with the drakes!).

Second way people scam others is with use the addictive gambling ( yeap, in my opinion it is a scam, in the long term you'll lose) mechanic in the game called hyppernet offers! Now I'll show you one of the offers with gollem as a reward!


Here you can see this offer, I'll shortly explain how hyppernet offers work, if you buy one of the hypernodes you have based on the randomnes chance to win the reward, like in this screen, there's 8 hypernoodes to buy so if you buy 1 you have chance 1/8 (12.5%) to win this. But let's calculate this thing out, gollem is worth around 1.5 Billion (the reward) and you have 8 hypernoodes to buy each one for 263.75 milion isk, 8x263.75 here we come with around 2.1 Billion isk! In the long term gambler will lose and you as the casino will be winner!

There's so many more ways to trick people, but I'll leave it to your creativity with game mechanics in your hands!

One of the challenges of being scammers it to be very appealing to people, to look like a honest guy so people would trust you. Second one connected with hypernoodes, is that you have capital to make those offerts! And here is my advice, sometimes people get very lucky, for example only 1 guy buys 1 hypernoode out of let's say 400 and he wins! So remember to calculate everything at to not put on the table as a casino too much! Another thing about hypernoodes is that you need to buy from new eden store for plex hypercore's!

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Very nicely written entry, thank you! It's also given me an idea for a new reward: make an EVE Online scam-avoidance masterclass. o7

Lumin's avatar


So, you have heard about the lesser known (but still totally legit) 'Roleplaying' Career Path in New Eden and you want to get started? Well, you've come to the right place, Lurm the Slurm is here and all is well in the world once more. Let my Vexatious existence be all that matters to you for the next few minutes while I teach you all you need to know!

This career path, while less often persued by those that call the stars their home, can be the most fruitful and rewarding of all if approached with the right mindset and expectations. Engaging in roleplaying with other pilots in New Eden, or beyond, can earn you new and exciting opportunities, friendships to last a lifetime, and adventures that span the stars. It can also net you some pretty decent ISK if you are well enough versed and brave enough. It won't be for everyone, but for those that make it work it can allow you to develop skills that will spill over and help you in all avenues you follow. The biggest draw of Roleplaying? You can do it in any vessel, or even none at all!

Now... to get started you'll want to start by finding a sufficiently populated space and doing one of the following and waiting for them to yield results:

Pose a cryptic question: Why are we still here? Just to suffer?

Regale them with a tale: It all started on that fateful day so many years ago when a single star decided that it was their time to fall from the sky...

Give them advice: Don't waste your time looking back, you're not going that way!

Threaten them: You have been a thorn in my side for far too long!

The most important thing, and the biggest hurdle for most, is sending that first communication. It is just like undocking your ship, as long as you are doing it, you are winning. Don't be discouraged if they do not reply immediately, or at all, for roleplaying is a game of people and patience.

While these are just the basics, they are still more than enough to get your started. So get out there, send those communications, make those connections, and always remember that you are the main character of your own tale, everybody else is entering YOUR story midway through the plot.

Tackle the Roleplaying Career Path today with the pride, joy, and mischief, it deserves!

- Lurm the Slurm of Slurm City

CommanderA9's avatar

While we’ve spoken of Incursions in the past, the position of Incursion Fleet Commander is as unique as the battle grid upon which their fleets engage Sansha’s Nation on a daily basis. These highly-skilled and diversified men and women charge headlong at the tip of the spear of their fleets and set themselves apart from every other style of fighting.


Incursions are high-end player-versus-environment combat sites which involve coordinated attacks across a given region of space by Sansha’s Nation. These are not your typical Level 4 Sansha’s Nation ships you will face in a Security Mission. Their defenses and offensive power are significantly increased. They attack in coordinated fleets with boosts, electronic warfare, neutralizers, webifiers, jammers, scramblers, and timed target-switching. They will reduce even the most powerful ships to scrap in literal seconds, which is the reason that Incursion fleets require logistical support.


Taking on the incursion requires a skilled fleet, and an equally skilled and knowledgeable fleet commander, and these positions are as demanding as null-sec leadership.


Mainly, the appeal behind the Incursion fleet commander position is the money, of course, as incursions are extremely lucrative, especially for those who run incursions in high-security space. Likewise, becoming an Incursion fleet commander grants one an opportunity for leadership and further involvement in one’s choice Incursion community and their partner groups (and even null-sec alliances). Commanding an incursion fleet opens the door to leadership of some of the best pilots in the universe, who likewise command some of the most powerful and specialized ships, all refined for survivability, offense, and efficiency.


Specifically, Incursion fleet commanders grant their fleets the opportunity to make hundreds of millions of ISK per hour in consistently available combat sites. On a weekly basis, Incursions can help pilots earn literal billions of ISK. A fully-fledged Incursion fleet commander can organize and lead a fleet without the oversight of a more senior member after passing the appropriate tests. They earn the right to host a fleet when their schedule permits, and likewise their role provides them an opportunity to secure a position of decision-making leadership in their choice community. The decisions they make can affect an entire Incursion community, including dictating the flying style and doctrine. There are also sometimes opportunities to advance into null-sec alliances, as some Incursion community officers likewise fly with certain null-sec groups.


As the saying goes, “With great power comes great responsibility.” An Incursion fleet commander, must master multi-tasking, as well as maintain a strong sense of situational awareness. Leading and managing the fleet requires an Incursion fleet commander to possess the tactical knowledge of where and when to move, what targets to shoot, and how many of what types of ships are required to maximize the efficiency and survivability of your fleet. These requirements of course are exacerbated when a rival fleet enters the combat site. Incursion fleet commanders also control a literal “waitlist” of pilots waiting in queue to enter the fleet, and must decide who gets invited into the fleet and when. Controlling the waitlist means inspecting the fits of every prospective pilot, although this process is made more efficient through the use of waitlists which check the fits of the applying pilots and identify discrepancies. Incursion fleet commanders help to manage matters concerning the ship replacement fund and ship insurance, helping to determine who can benefit from funding to replace lost ships, provided they qualify for such reimbursement. Incursion fleet commanders are also required to have at least one alt account which can fly a command ship with high booster levels. With any community that hosts hundreds of players, personalities are bound to clash, so Incursion fleet commanders must prepare to deal with members who might resist their orders and decisions, and may be required to act as moderators when necessary.


If you wish to pursue the unique role of an Incursion fleet commander, prepare for some intensive training. Prospective fleet commanders must demonstrate competency in the presence of a senior fleet commander from their choice community. This includes taking on various scenarios and simulations that may threaten the fleet (such as a pilot disconnecting, rival fleet entering the grid, or disruptive communications or a complete Teamspeak crash), and ultimately enduring a final test which can be chaotic (and fun for the fleet members!). Likewise, train an alt pilot who can fly a command ship, as most communities require this to be brought onto the grid. Be prepared for multitasking and understand how to be a tactical leader as much as an off-grid manager.


Being an Incursion fleet commander is to be a committed community member which serves as a cornerstone of a given Incursion community.


Without Incursion fleet commanders, there are no Incursion fleets.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar


Mission Running

Appeal - The mission system runs from agents levels 1-4, as you move up the tiers, your rewards become higher and more lucrative.

Opportunities - Across the systems of Eve online from High Sec into Low Sec and even into Null Sec space, there are mission agents around, the lower sec you go, the more lucrative the mission ISK/LP becomes, but of course, the more dangerous it becomes.

Challenges - As you move up the tiers, the missions get harder and harder and become more tactical and of course, the NPCS begin to employ countermeasures such as electronic Warfare against you, so much bigger ships are needed, for instance as level one can be done in a Frigate/Destroyer, but level 4's need to be done in a T3 Cruiser or Battleship.

Advice - Make sure that as you move up the tiers of missions, you do your research and make sure you are using the right ships, ammo, drones and tanks per-mission as the levels increase. Make sure that you understand Loyalty Points, how to use them and of course that you do your market research on what sells the best to increase your maximum profit when spending your LP.



Incursions can be classified under the Enforcer career, however, it is completely overlooked in the AIR Career Program. Incursions are a high-level PVE activity where large fleets of expensive battleships engage Sansha's Nation forces in sites. Incursions are nomadic, meaning each spawn or "focus" is limited to a single constellation and only last for a few days to a week before despawning and popping up elsewhere in the cluster. Each system in the Incursion constellation has a classification that determines the difficulty and corresponding rewards for each site. Scout systems have the easiest sites, but have the lowest payouts for the top three contributors. Vanguard sites are somewhat more difficult, with similar payouts to Scout sites. The difference is that Vanguard site payout is parabolic. The best payout is for ten pilots. Each pilot above or below this number results in reduced payouts for each pilot. Assault sites are the next tier in difficulty, optimized for 20 pilots with a similar payout model as Vanguard sites. Headquarter sites are the most difficult site optimized for 30-40 pilots with a parabolic payout model.

  1. Appeal
    Incursions are a very well-paying activity, ranging from 140 million ISK per hour for low-efficiency Vanguard fleets up to over 300 million ISK per hour for efficient Headquarter fleets. The incursion community is also a very specialized subset of the EVE community, offering new pilots a group that will help them upgrade, skill, and learn about how to fly in a fleet.

  2. Opportunities

    Many groups fly incursions, though their ship doctrines for the ships accepted in fleet vary widely. TLA accepts marauders, with a strong emphasis on the highest possible DPS. Warp to Me accepts shielded ships. EVE Rookies runs both shield and armor Vanguard fleets, but only armor Headquarter fleets.

  3. Challenges

    The Sanshas rats in Incursions sites are deadly. The rules and doctrines each community has are written in pod goo. As such, the bling, skills, and ships required are typically non-negotiable, making a very high bar for entry. Vanguard fleets are generally easier to access, as there are fewer rats and lower site DPS. As such, they require cheaper ships, fewer skills, and less advanced ships. EVE Rookies offers Praxis handouts for their Shield Vanguard fleets.

  4. Advice

    Follow all guidelines, ship doctrines, and skill requirements required by your chosen incursion community. The rules are written in pod goo. Since all communities vary, ask the leadership if you have questions. Don't gamble with your expensive incursion hull.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Our thanks go to Sturmer for suggesting this reward idea!


1. Appeal: Station trading in EVE Online is appealing to players who enjoy manipulating markets, analyzing trends, and making profits through buying and selling goods within the game. It offers a high level of strategy and can be a rewarding way to generate in-game currency.

2. Opportunities: Station traders have the opportunity to make substantial profits by leveraging their knowledge of market fluctuations, supply and demand dynamics, and trade routes. They can also take advantage of special events, new releases, and other factors that can impact the price of goods.

3. Challenges: Station trading can be highly competitive, requiring traders to stay on top of market trends, adjust their strategies quickly, and outsmart their rivals. It also involves a significant investment of time and in-game currency to establish a successful trading operation. Additionally, traders may face risks such as price crashes, scams, and fluctuations in the game's economy.

4. Advice: To succeed as a station trader in EVE Online, it is important to conduct thorough research on the market, stay informed about current events and updates in the game, and be prepared to adapt to changes in the market. Building relationships with other players, joining a player corporation, and diversifying your trading portfolio can also help you maximize your profits and minimize risks. Patience, persistence, and a willingness to learn from mistakes are key attributes for a successful station trader.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hi Shirosuka, thanks for entering this reward. Just letting you know that we're marking your submission as ineligible because it shows signs of having been produced by generative AI.

Our goal with Just About is to reward authentic, human content and to do so in a way that respects the effort taken to produce it. Almost all low-effort use of generative AI in rewards will therefore be rejected and may be considered a violation of our code of conduct, with appropriate penalties for repeat offenders. Please read that code of conduct and our policy on AI content, and show appropriate effort and good faith when entering rewards in future. Thanks!


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