We have an additional reward asking you for your best FCing advice, but it looks like we didn't offer enough of the lower-tier of prizes! If you want to make a long-form video explaining how to become an excellent FC, head to that reward instead - there are still plenty of $20 prizes to be won.
You may have already come across our EVE Online fleet etiquette guide, which we think is a valuable resource for any new pilot. But what about for those who lead the pack? Being a Fleet Commander (FC) is a lot of responsibility and takes organisational skills, people skills, and military expertise. We want to know what's needed for an FC to excel in their role!
To enter this reward, share your single best piece of advice for being a good FC on social media and then share that post as your submission.
You're allowed to enter this reward, even if you've entered the other one.
already paid
$15 / 81
Created at . Page last updated at .
Deadline at .