EVE Online video creators, look this way! We have an extra-special challenge for you with two exciting prizes: $500 and the opportunity to be shown at Fanfest 2025. Here's what you need to know:
We want you to make a video between four and eight minutes long that meets the brief: 'The Beauty of EVE Online in 2025'. How you style the video is up to you, but as the name suggests, it should be designed to show off the game's beauty.
The exact when and where of the video's Fanfest showcase is yet to be determined. It may be shown on smaller screens around the event and it may be shown off at the opening ceremony on the big screen. Accordingly, you'll need to make sure your video is captured in the highest definition possible.
We recommend pulling out all the stops for this one: a cool title page, creative and professional transitions, great sound, thoughtful pacing, cinematic moments, varied and well-composed shots, and any other tool you have at your disposal. This could be a big boost for your channel, so show us the very best you can do and the very best New Eden has to offer.
Title your video something like 'The Beauty of EVE Online 2025' and give it a professional description. We'd love it if you tagged us and added 'Made for #Just'.
Secondary winners up are unlikely to have their videos shown at Fanfest, but second- and third-place winners will win $125 and $75 respectively. We also have 15 runner-up prizes of $10 each.
You have until 22 April. Good luck and Bobspeed!
Pot total
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