EVE Online video creators, look this way! We have an extra-special challenge for you with two exciting prizes: $500 and the opportunity to be shown at Fanfest 2025. Here's what you need to know:
We want you to make a video between four and eight minutes long that meets the brief: 'The Beauty of EVE Online in 2025'. How you style the video is up to you, but as the name suggests, it should be designed to show off the game's beauty.
The exact when and where of the video's Fanfest showcase is yet to be determined. It may be shown on smaller screens around the event and it may be shown off at the opening ceremony on the big screen. Accordingly, you'll need to make sure your video is captured in the highest definition possible.
We recommend pulling out all the stops for this one: a cool title page, creative and professional transitions, great sound, thoughtful pacing, cinematic moments, varied and well-composed shots, and any other tool you have at your disposal. This could be a big boost for your channel, so show us the very best you can do and the very best New Eden has to offer.
Title your video something like 'The Beauty of EVE Online 2025' and give it a professional description. We'd love it if you tagged us and added 'Made for #Just'.
Secondary winners up are unlikely to have their videos shown at Fanfest, but second- and third-place winners will win $125 and $75 respectively. We also have 15 runner-up prizes of $10 each.
This was a beast, over 50GB of captured video and hours and hours of editing and listening to music tracks to find the perfect combination of sounds - as well as try to build in some allegorical threads and unique perspective. Sometime on Saturday it all started to make sense and the rest of it just flowed out of me. I didn't want to create a travel video, or a highlight reel - we've seen those before. I wanted to capture something unique and different, from my own personal perspective. If I succeeded or not, I'll leave for others to decide.
This was a very nice bountie, reward :P Since i am rising with #Just About, my collection of good video material is growing. The third eye spotting the shot, which always floats behind my shoulders. Therefore the last challenge I needed to master was to get my inner picture, technically reproduced. Check my old stuff on youtube and you can see my growth through the time.
Are you addicted to video cutting?
Ultimately this ended up in a 8 Hours cutting session, some Sleep, 8 Hours mix session of rearranging, transitions the one or other fusion effect. I mean once you understand “Planar Tracker” no wall is safe from you. Except for stuff which is overlaying through your movement… couldn't find an easy fix beside complex keyframing. And for the sake of your time don't touch pEmittor for the Particle effect, this monster inhales pc power.
Pro Tip: Have somebody taking care about your normal life. The internet says you can do 30 days without food.
And then… you touch one thing to change something small and in the back every book falls from the shelf. You rewatch the change in the beginning, approve it and start render, uploading. Then you rewatch it on youtube and you see your little happy incident in the end. Take it unlisted, fixing the mistake, checking. Rinse and repeat. Rinse and repeat.
The Karaoke Career I expected to be a perfect karaoke singer for Wrecking Machine. But just singing in the shower, dreaming from it... it didn´t got better.
Minerva Sheryl - Mass Effect 3 - Leaving Earth (OST Remix) The Pop - As the POP Permaband - Wrecking Machine Permaband - Wrecking Machine (Female Vocal Mix) The Iceland Symphony Orchestra - Surplus of Rare Artifacts
Storyline Spoiler:
Yes, EVE has beautiful but we are here for a explosions.
I mean, there were some try and errors. Some copy and pastes... and a lot of forward and backwards.
You need to pre-render this or the amount of particles will get stuck in the CPU.
And if you don´t watch out they will clueing up the RAM makeing your PC feeling like Honey.
The very early state
The Keepstar was in the vision, the tower which held it together.
Behold by my collection:
So Youtube is sending mixed messaged. But its recorded in 08:00:00, not a single frame more.
Any blooper/mistake find from this point.. so it will be.
Fly Safe
Kane Carnifex
PS: Can do a Fanfest Cut in 8K, but it won´t work on Youtube. Also can´t verify it as 8K is super wierd... VLC runs in Black. Youtube cuts it down in 4K so thats the highest you get by the platform we use.