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Farming Simulator 25

Farming Simulator 25
AustriaFarmer's avatar

Hello, this is my video for the farming challenge "Speed-Harvest field #2".

I planted sunflowers, which have a low yield, so that everything fits into one grain tank of the combine harvester. It took several attempts before it worked. Best wishes

Rich's avatar

Brilliant! Sound tactics and excellent harvesting technique throughout. This'll be tough to beat!


Can this also be a timelapse?🤔 Rich

Rich's avatar

Preferably not, speeding up the footage would probably make it more difficult to judge the winner fairly K03y

Mistymeooww's avatar

This took me so long to set up that I don't even want to try it again but this was super fun and of course, as always I made a bunch of mistakes. I added a timer to the screen for when I started the harvest, good luck everyone!


Hello, here is my video of the harvest of field number two, I hope you like it

USCSS's avatar

Hello farmers

Today I bring you a video where I show how I harvest soybeans from field number two in full.

The harvest starts at minute 0:16 and ends at minute 9:49 giving a time span of 9:33 minutes, filling the combine to 14444 (72%)

(Translated with Google Translate)


My tactic was to sow the field with sunflowers and harvest them along with the weeds, which reduced the yield.

Before starting this operation, I considered which crop I would harvest the fastest.

I chose sunflowers because they can be harvested at a speed of 15 km/h.

When harvesting sunflowers, we move faster despite the fact that our header is smaller.

I'm re-uploading this post because I previously uploaded a video using GPS from the game (also from harvesting sunflowers) and I wasn't sure how it would be treated in the final result.

Maybe in the next contest, you won't let us edit posts? 🤔 Because we can edit them an infinite number of times, which reduces the chance of winning the main prize.


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