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Farming Simulator 25

Farming Simulator 25
JHenckes's avatar

I'd call my idea “cow rescue” hahaha. It would be a race, but with some conditions! The objective would be to transport a specific number of cows from one farm to another as quickly as possible. I think that to be fair, everyone should start at the same place and record the journey to the barn, the process of putting the animals in the transport, transporting them safely and putting them in the barn of the other pre-defined farm!

There could be a penalty if a cow isn't taken, or if accidents happen during transportation! Then the transport that takes the least amount of time and has the fewest accidents or dangerous maneuvers for the animals would be the winner!

ThePunisher99's avatar

Challenge name : Farming survival Challenge

Think you have what it takes to run a farm from nothing and build an agricultural empire ? this challenge will test your skills and patience. Start small follow the strict rules and compete to win the title of the ultimate farmer !

The Rules :

  • Start from 0 : no land, no equipment, only 100,000 $

  • No Loans allowed

  • No easy settings allowed

  • Adapte your strategy to survive weather conditions

Format :

1) Show gameplay in a video gameplay.
2) text + image : screenshot of the Finances menu balance every season, the text explain the strategy adopted.

The winner :

The player with the highest farm value wins in 2 years (in game-time).


Make a challenge in which:

The main thing would be to be the most efficient (in terms of money ) at a given time. People would have to work on raw field (before plowing) and make the most out of it by plowing it, sowing and harvesting. (

Team of scalable number of participants (even solo) would result in lower or higher area to work on

Every team would receive/have the same equipment

Challenge would start with countdown

Time beetwen phases of crop growing would not count into the timer. (this makes people decide if it is worth to fertilize/spray the field)

Every second/minute over the time limit would result at lowering the ammount of collected money from team.

Braulio M Lara 🔹's avatar


Based on AEROSMITH vídeo music CRAZY with Alicia Silverstone and Liv Tyler if you remember the vídeo at the end the ladies take a farmer in his car for to having fun 😏


A la MARIO PARTY they can make a mini games for 2 till 4 players or 8 online the moderator show a figure for example a flower 🌼 and all tractors drivers in a limited time like 30 seconds and give gas to move and to try to make this figure more clear as possible, could be a flower , Star , fruit figure or something


A Tractor race could be the logical surgeon but if we improve a pop corn 🌽 challenge just having the mission of to make a pop corn , cake or a exotic recipe but first

Run and to take the best or right corn for each recipe we can have yellow,white , orange or red Corn just use the tractor 🚜 and trim the right one

Let’s participate it 💪🏼


The harvest that produces the most benefits (money) in a month. It can be at the will of the players or specifically for each crop: wheat, rice, bearly, etc. And it could have sub-quests like who gets the most benefit from the shortest distance in their vehicle.

It's very easy to track, control and decide the winner.

USCSS's avatar

Hi farmers

My idea is to make a time trial type challenge, from point A to point B. You can use any vehicles you want, as many times as you want. You can also run, and if you have to cross a river you can do it with a vehicle crossing a bridge or swimming to the other side. On the other side of the river you can take another vehicle that you have prepared. Or you can do whatever you want. You don't necessarily have to go on a road, but you can also go through the middle of the field.

In short, the player has to go from point A to B with total freedom to go wherever they want and use whatever they want.

The prizes would depend on who gets there first.

(Translated with Google translator)

Mistymeooww's avatar

I feel like Farm Sim challenges involving hay bales would be cool. I think they do stuff like that on Farm Sim League and I remember doing a bale stacking mini game before too.

I think the timed challenges are a good measurable way to do things but for something like that you almost do have to wait until the deadline to post. Its easy for people to know the time to beat if you submit early and the competition is fierce

Maybe do a make and stack 20 hay bales challenge. You have to create the bales, gather them and stack on a trailer to be transported to sell. Winner is whoever does it fastest and neatest on the trailer. Challenge could be more bales or with a destination in mind for players to go sell them like a finish line

Vivisector's avatar

The John Deere racing league: organize a race with every Deere vehiclese, a league for every category. For the bounty you can place a prize for the 1-2-3-4 positions. For the circuit you can choose the best road for each vehicle type. You can also make a bonus prize for a race again first 2 positions.

Limal's avatar

Farming Fashion Show: Wardrobe Wars!

Let’s add some flair to the fields with a Farming Fashion Show!

Ze task:

Players design and showcase the most creative and thematic farming outfits in Farming Simulator 25. Participants can mix and match clothing items and accessories to create unique looks that suit various farming themes, like “Classic Farmer,” “Futuristic Agronomist,” or “Harvest Festival Chic.”

Bonus points for making cinematic video or screenshow of the outfit with equipment or environment (machinery) settings for extra style points!

3 Judging Criteria:

Creativity - How original and inventive is the outfit?

Theme - How well does the outfit match the chosen theme?

Presentation - Showcase the outfit in a short 30-60 second video highlighting it in action (e.g., farming tasks, walking through fields, or posing with machinery). Maube a gif too

I kmow the game quite limited on that, thus it will be real challenge!

K03y's avatar

Maybe a race?🤔 Who can complete a given route the fastest, during which they will have to collect one apple? 🍎

So we start from point A, go to point B (collect a selected golden apple from the Zielonka map) and return to point A.

For clear rules. You show how exactly it should look, e.g. how the route should run. Which vehicles can we use etc.


It would be good if none of the participants could see the submitted applications. It would be more fair, no one would steal someone else's ideas...

CelestialFlea's avatar

Okay this one's kinda fun, but simple.

Crop Circle Challenge

In any owned field, using any equipment you own or rent you have to make the best looking crop circles you can. They can be as elaborate, or as simple as you want but here's the catch;

They have to look convincing as crop circles and you can only use VANILLA equipment. Up to a maximum of two not including the tractor.


I don't even know if it would be possible, but I like the idea of building stacks of produce into grand designs..

So flat pack furniture stacked up into the pyramids, or boxes of eggs into the Leaning tower of Pisa.

So I guess the challenge would be to build an recognisable world landmark from boxes or pallets of produce in farming sim 25..

I would have a hard time not giving it a go!! Also the amount of eggs to die as the leaning tower becomes the river of yolk...

OOOH a hay Bale 4th road bridge..

I appologise if this kind of challenge has been done already... but it really grabs my imagination...

Y0EMINENCE's avatar

Picture your farmer dressed in the craziest outfits, like wearing a swim suit while plowing or a fancy dress to milk cows. This could be a cool new challenge where if you pick the wildest, least practical clothes, you could win some awesome rewards from Just About. Even though these outfits won't make you farm any better, they make farming more fun and funny, and it's a great way to connect with other players who love to get creative with fashion.


An idea for a new reward for me would be to cultivate or harvest some field # (44, 10, 26, 25 or 24) with any crop but the condition is that it has to have 100% yield and do it in the shortest time possible , you can use the help of workers but as long as you do some of the tasks yourself.

The fields suggested to carry out this reward are to give you a little more challenge since they are irregular fields but they are not large so that the work does not take too much time.

This is a possible idea I have for a future reward

Rich's avatar

Hi JuanCyt - this is almost exactly the same challenge we already ran, and which was linked in the reward description.


hello I apologize, the challenge was to plant or cultivate and I made a mistake when writing, I hope that helps if not, I will change it and give another idea, thank you


One challenge could be to create a farm with many animals. The winner would be the one with the most animals in excellent condition. It could be a monthly challenge where the progress of the breeding on the farm is taken into account. Additional resources could be earned to improve the speed of breeding or even crop cultivation.

projectazone's avatar

I don't know if it's been done in the past or if it's appropriate, but it would be nice to do a photographic challenge of the location. In the sense of going to look for 10 details of the location and putting together a photographic exhibition with a white frame insertion as if to recall an exhibition. But not classic screenshots, but details found in the beautiful map of Farming Simulator.

GoJapan's avatar

My idea is to Film The Most Absurd and Fun Camile Working On Your Farm, Like a tractor That OverTurns or an animal that ends up in an unusual place. However, it must not be a desired thing but something that happened while playing normally, this makes everything more fun, of the series with the fleeting moment.

yan57436's avatar

I think that when it comes to farming simulators, the idea of the greatest possible efficiency would be a great challenge. We could provide a specific area, limited fuel and a timer. We'd require players to harvest more efficiently, measuring submissions with videos and analyzing how long it took our farmer to harvest the entire area with the least amount of fuel, valuing more experienced players and creativity in various techniques, such as proper route planning. Submissions would be by video only, reducing the chance of fraud, and would be very straightforward in the criteria already mentioned above.

Sturmer's avatar

I won’t claim to be original with this idea; we’ve seen it (and even done) in other communities - but I strongly believe it’s a perfect fit for Farming Simulator 25!

The challenge: Create a stop-motion video using real objects. LEGO, plushies, Schleich figurines, or whatever works! Bring a day in the life of a farmer to life or recreate a funny moment from the game in a 30-120 second clip.

This bounty is fun to make, can involve family members, and has the potential to generate huge social buzz!


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