We just closed our speed farming challenge, and the contenders seemed to enjoy it so much - and we had so much fun watching the entries - that it gave us an idea: let's not only do another one, but let's let you decide what the next challenge should be!
Here's what we want to see in your suggestions:
Fair: we need to be able to judge submissions fairly and objectively. Anything that we can watch on video, or ideally on stream, while it's being completed is a good idea.
Measurable: we need an idea with a clearly defined goal, as well as a clear start and end point.
Accessible: feel free to take inspiration from the Farming Sim League, but we don't want to set a high bar on entry! We want all FS25 players to be able to get involved, either solo or at most in pairs, not just pros in teams.
Fun and challenging: we need a task that you'll enjoy carrying out, find interesting to watch, and with some depth to get competitive over!
We think our speed farming challenge ticked these boxes: we asked contenders to wholly harvest field #2 in Riverbend Springs as quickly as possible, counting from when the crops started ticking up to the moment the final tufts were cut. Clearly definable, and with plenty of scope to experiment both with strategy and tactics.
So what should our next challenge be? Dive into the game, get creative, and submit your ideas in writing below. Please be as detailed as you can about what you'd ask players to do, how they'd enter, and how you'd determine the winner. Viable suggestions will get rewards (unrealistic ones will be rejected) and if there are any ideas we really like, we may just run them as our next farming challenge!
already paid
$28 / 40
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