How could you change a movie with only one letter? Easy! Goodbye, Jaws; hello delightful lifeguard-dog movie: Paws. Goodbye, Pulp Fiction; hello movie about the struggles of juicing oranges: Pulp Friction.
You can add, change, or remove a letter. There's no minimum word count for this bounty, but do add a movie tagline or short description to tell us what the new movie would be about.
Task: Change a letter in the title of a well-known film. Tell us what your new movie is about.
Format: Written
How to submit a written entry:
Hit the 'submit to this bounty' button just below this description - do not use the reply button unless you just want to comment on the thread, as replies will not be counted as entries!
Add a written response and feel free to include images.
Once the deadline closes, we’ll pick 25 submissions, award $1 to each of the winners, and may share them as curated content.
Disclaimer: Geographical and age restrictions apply. Please see our Terms of Use for more information on how bounties are created and rewarded on Just About. One reward available per member.
Take care not to breach copyright. Check our copyright policy before submitting.
Remember to link your social accounts before submitting multimedia assets!
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Image credit: Pierre Bamin
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Bounty Closed
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