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FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

One of my favourite episodes happened during the first season it was called "Attack of the Prehistoric Pokémon" In this episode we get to see Ash and their friends go on a fossil hunt but after Team Rockets' intervention they all fall into a cavern full of ancient Pokemon it is then up to Ash and Charmeleon to fight the awakened Aerodactyl and it is the point where we see Ash's Charmeleon evolve into one of my favourite Pokemon Charizard! I was so hyped watching this and then the resulting battle between the newly evolved Charizard was pretty cool.

TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

I'm going to go with a film and that would have to be the very first film, its the first time we get to see a fully ramped up story and see the power of Pokemon that we have never seen before and then of course there was that emotional scene with Ash and the crying Pokemon that was such a powerful yet moving scene the story was just great from start to finish. As a kid I loved watching this film as it had some of my favourite Pokemon in it as well as seeing the power of Mewtwo and the clone Pokemon and even after all these years I still find it good and the message it was trying convey in the film was important.


Ghost of a Chance- S04E25

I really enjoyed this episode back in the day (have rewatched on a few occasions since in series run throughs).

It sets itself apart from other episodes/locations with its more aged aesthetic and providing the characters with more backstory for city itself.

The episode is a build up to the actual gym battle against Morty and helps showcase the powers of the Ghost type and Pyschic Pokemon that Ash will be up against.

It also gives our protagonists a bit to think about in terms of their approach to the different cultures, too. Ash rushes to what he believes is the gym, only to end up in a building which has been protected from those trying to do harm and risked damaging the historical site with his gung-ho approach. This element of humbling of the team is a nice tough in this episode to make them more relatable and human.

And lets not forget the usual Jesse and James hijinks, of course!

mar1gold 's avatar

Definitely episode 11 of season 1 - charmander, the stray pokemon. Little Stella found it sososo emotional and I thought Charmander was the cutest ever. I also think it has a good message about helping others and overcoming adversity <3

Dom W's avatar

For me, "It's Mr Mine Time" from series 2. Mr Mime is a totally underrated, hilariously weird little Pokemon. It features multiple Mr Mimes, and a case of mistaken identity as Ash has to dress up as a Mr Mime. Also, we see a rare return to Pallet Town, and in the background some over-arching plot progression with Giovanni of Team Rocket turning his attention towards Mewtwo.

Kane Carnifex's avatar

S1 EP 10 - Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village

The born of a Pika Pika meme :)


Whoever made this bounty is a legend btw. I'm currently rewatching this show! Incredible

I grew up with pokemon yellow and my favourite episode is Electric Shock Showdown where it's Ash for LT Surge, Pikachu vs Raichu, Raichu is one of the underrated pokemon too imo. Raichu absolutely destroys Pikachu and really gives him a beating. This episode shows Ash wanting to try evolve pikachu into a Raichu using a thunderstone but Pikachu does not want to do this

Pikachu wants to stick to his guns and be himself and not change for anyone here. They eventually have a rematch and Pikachu wins! One of the most legendary battles. Goosebumps writing about it

Makster's avatar

I loved that two part episode to. It was like David vs Goliath and a real bonding moment between Ash and Pikachu. Pikachu learning agility (a move Raichu was unable to since he evolved too early) really cemented the notion of the trainer-Pokemon bond being greater than just having the bigger Pokemon to win battles.

Shovel's avatar

My Fave is a OG one. It’s from Pokemon - the indigo league and its Episode 11 from Seaosn 1 names Charmander the Stray.

I just thought it was a sad story 💔💔 super super emotional and felt so bad for Charmander!! How dare someone leave him because he wasn’t strong enough!!

Makster's avatar

Primeape Goes Bananas: S1 Episode 25This episode isn't memorable because Ash catches one of his iconic Pokemon, or heartfelt as him releasing his Butterfree. It's memorable because of some pretty fun lore implications. The first being Ash's Hat. This hat is pretty iconic when it comes to Pokemon. I've seen loads of Pokemon fans wearing or being gifted this iconic hat. But where does it come from and why does Ash wear it? I always figured that a character designer just wrote a C on the hat and called it a day but the anime decided to elaborate. Ash's hat was a rare prize from the Pokemon league Expo limited to only 100. Ash being such as dedicated fan mailed loads of postcards just to get it. Even Misty is jealous as she also tried to obtain one.

Next is Jelly Donuts. Obviously now we now know them as Onigiri but how are you going to explain different food culture to an 8 year old UK kid?

And last, it's always nice to see an episode when Ash catches a Pokemon in this case Mankey which then evolves into a Primeape. As a child I always loved seeing the Pokemon make an appearance in the anime as I loved seeing how they moved compared to the static of the Game Boy screen.

Fras_Shoyo's avatar

My favorite Pokémon anime episode is “Bye Bye Butterfree” from the original series. In this emotional episode, Ash releases his Butterfree to join a group of wild Butterfree during their mating season. The heartfelt goodbye and the beautiful scene of Butterfree flying away always leave a lasting impression.

Makster's avatar

I remember he traded his butterfree on the SS Ann for a Lickatongue very briefly only to request a trade back. It made him parting with Butterfree all the more emotional

Ford James's avatar

The Pokemon anime version of the "when boys became men" meme. What a classic.

Also, did you know Ash reunited with both of the Butterfree in 2022? 1,200 episodes and around 25 years later.

Fras_Shoyo's avatar

I know that, that's what makes me emotional when I watch it. :')


One of my favourite Pokémon episodes is from the Diamond and Pearl Series (Sinnoh League Victors), which is “The Eighth Wonder of the Sinnoh World”.

This is not only one of my favourite episodes in the anime, but also my favourite Gym Battle as well. The battle showcases the excitement between Ash and Volkner when battling, along with how far Ash’s Infernape has come when it finally masters Blaze.

AirGaram's avatar

My favourite episode/film would either be

"Down to the Fiery Finish!" (pokemon XYZ league finale)


Pokemon the movie 2000

The first choice is obviously because it's the final battle of the league conference, one where ash finally reaches the finals. And because it's a showdown between one of the greatest pokemon rivalries (at least for me) being Ash and Alain alongside Greninja and Charizard.

The movie on the other hand, was well because Lugia was in it. The lore of the relationship between the three birds and lugia being basically their chaperone was and still one of my favourites pieces of lore in pokemon. And the song when Lugia was rises from the sea at the end was the last nail in the coffin.

Paul's avatar

"Here Comes the Squirtle Squad"

Squirtle is my favourite Pokemon and this episode is all about them 👍

Makster's avatar

I love that the anime has some continuity i.e. it calls back to episodes rather than keeps the canon loose. When Squirtle meets back with his squad was really cool to see

Sturmer's avatar

Island of the Giant Pokémon

(Japanese: きょだいポケモンのしま!?) 17th episode of the Pokémon anime.

I think that was the last episode where I still had the illusion that Team Rocket would ever succeed with their schemes or change their alignment. But nope.


This is such a legendary episode too!

Ford James's avatar

I think this would be mine too! It's certainly the first one that came to mind when I was drafting up this bounty. Loved the idea of all the colossal Pokemon when I was a kid.


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